Monday, February 2, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

The Latest from National Terror
Alert Response Center

Link to Homeland Security News

Obama Keeps Renditions As Counter-terrorism Tool

01 Feb 2009 10:52 PM PST

Under executive orders issued by Obama recently, the CIA
still has authority to carry out what are known
as renditions, secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries

that cooperate with the United States.

Current and former U.S. intelligence officials said that the
rendition program might be poised to play an expanded
role going forward because it was the main remaining mechanism —
aside from Predator missile strikes — for taking suspected terrorists off
the street.

The rendition program became a source of embarrassment for
the CIA, and a target of international scorn, as details emerged in recent
years of botched captures, mistaken identities and allegations that
prisoners were turned over to countries where they were tortured.

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news and information.

Israel Issues Terror Warning

01 Feb 2009 10:46 PM PST

Israel’s counter-terrorism bureau warned Sunday night of a “concrete,
high-level threat” that the Lebanese Hezbollah guerrilla group planned

an attack against Israelis to avenge the February 2008 assassination
of Imad Mughniyah, its deputy leader. “The Hezbollah organization is

apparently prepared to carry out a serious attack (assassination,

kidnapping) against an Israeli target, including abroad.

This attack threatens every Israeli, especially those
holding senior position,” a statement from the
counter-terrorism bureau said.

The statement warned Israelis travelling overseas to take precautions,
and to avoid visiting countries the bureau has warned against.

Israelis abroad should be on the alert and avoid, for example, tempting
offers, whether for business or pleasure, from suspicious or unfamiliar

persons, and should refrain from unscheduled meetings in
remote areas after dark.

Israelis staying abroad for long periods of time should also vary their
routine, for example by changing hotels or switching between restaurants and

other venues visited frequently.

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Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland
news and information.

Netanyahu Says Iran Will Not Get Hands On Nukes

01 Feb 2009 10:39 PM PST

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s leading candidate for prime minister, said
Saturday that Iran “will not be armed with a nuclear weapon.”

In an interview with Israel’s Channel 2 TV, Netanyahu said if elected
prime minister his first mission will be to thwart the Iranian nuclear threat.

Netanyahu, the current opposition leader and head of the hardline Likud party,

called Iran the greatest danger to Israel and to all humanity.

When asked if stopping Iran’s nuclear ambitions included a military
strike, he replied: “It includes everything that is necessary to make this

statement come true.”

Iran has denied it is seeking to acquire nuclear weapons and says it is
pursuing nuclear power for peaceful uses. It also denies it is engaged in terrorism,

instead accusing Israel of terrorist policies against the Palestinians in Gaza and the

West Bank, which were occupied by Israel after the 1967 Mideast War.

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National

Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland
news and information.

Senior U.N. Official Kidnapped in Pakistan

01 Feb 2009 10:34 PM PST

A senior U.N. official was kidnapped in southwest Pakistan and his
driver was shot dead, a U.N. information officer told CNN.

The official’s name has not been released because his family has not
been officially informed, said Ishrat Rizvi, a U.N.
information officer in Islamabad.

The official was kidnapped in the town of Chaman, near the city of
Quetta, the provincial capital of Balochistan. The
exact time of the incident is unknown. Law enforcement agencies are

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
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Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland
news and information.

Suspicious Pipe-Like Device Found Taped To Airport Fuel Truck

01 Feb 2009 10:23 PM PST

Middleton,Wis. - The Dane County Bomb Squad disarmed a
suspicious device found taped to the side of a fuel
truck at the Middleton Airport on Sunday.

Middleton police said a suspicious man was seen driving a black Ford

F-150 pickup truck around the hangars and fuel pit around 8 a.m. on Sunday.

The man left after being confronted by airport personnel.

The same man was seen again in the area of the airport gate. The
airport employee reported seeing the truck speed away westbound on Airport Road.

Authorities said around 4:30 p.m. a suspicious pipe-like device was
observed affixed to the side of a fuel truck at the airport. The fuel truck was in close

proximity to other fuel storage tanks.

All flights were diverted from the airport, and the surrounding area
was evacuated by Middleton Police and Fire.

The Dane County Bomb Squad took the pipe-like device to an open field
to render it safe.

Authorities are looking for the man driving the black truck earlier in
the day. That man is described as being between 5 feet 7 inches and six feet tall

with a medium build, black hair and a beard.

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National

Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland
news and information.

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