Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

The Latest from National Terror
Alert Response Center

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Man Arrested On Terrorism Charges

Posted: 02 Feb 2009 08:06 PM PST

A Maggie Valley man is behind bars facing terrorism charges.
48-year-old David Hicks is accused of

going armed to the terror of the public and
manufacturing and possessing weapons of mass destruction.

Police say they found all of the ingredients needed to
commit a terrorist act, right inside Hicks’ home.

Among them was a grenade and grenade detonators, 71 boxes of
ammunition, and eight different firearms.

Detectives also found an email Hicks had recently written,
saying that because of the outcome of the

November election, he’d soon be leaving Maggie Valley to
head for the Texas-Mexico border.

The email says he plans to help “protect our nation against
illegal immigrants.” Hicks remains

behind bars on $21-thousand bond.


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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and

CIA Director: Top Ten Terror Threats

Posted: 02 Feb 2009 03:26 PM PST

Outgoing CIA Chief Michael Hayden lists Top Ten Terror

1. Al Qaeda: “It is the organization that has the capacity
to most threaten the physical safety

of America and Americans. So it remains job No. 1. And we
have talked about some successes

and so on, but it is resilient, and therefore we have
to continue to keep an eye on Al Qaeda,” he said.

2. Violence in Mexico: “Our good friend and neighbor Mexico
had this horrible surge in violence

that may cause — in fact has caused — us to talk with our
Mexican friends, in more meaningful

and deeper ways, to discover ways that we can cooperate
against what we now view to be, and

has always
been, a common problem. …

“What you’ve got is President Calderon, very heroically,
taking on drug cartels that I think

everyone agrees threaten certainly the well-being of
the Mexican people and the Mexican

state, and taking them on in a very, very progressive
way. Now, it is not quite the same

thing as Colombia, where you had a politically
motivated movement, the FARC, merging

with narcotics organizations. Here it is largely in
the business of crime but the effects

could be just as dangerous, certainly to the
well-being of the Mexican people.”

3. Iran’s nuclear program: “I included Iran, in terms of as
they move forward in their own

decision-making process, as they continue to churn out
LEU, low enriched uranium, they

do it at great cost, diplomatically and economically
with regard to sanctions. They seem to

be doing it with a purpose. As that quantity of that
stockpile grows, you would think that at

some point in that process, they are going to have to
make a decision as to what it is they are

going to do with it. So that is something we have to
keep a close eye on as well.”

Full Article

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert. National
Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

Cyanide Found In UNL Dorm Room

Posted: 02 Feb 2009 02:17 PM PST

One floor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Pound Hall
was evacuated and the

rest of the dorm put on lockdown for an hour and a
half Sunday evening after police

discovered potentially lethal hydrogen cyanide in a
student’s room.

Just after 6 p.m., UNL police responded to a 911 call
alerting them of a possible

overdose poisoning, according to Capt. Carl

The call came from a 19-year-old UNL student living on the
second floor of Pound Hall

who had ingested a small amount of the chemical.
Oestmann wouldn’t say exactly how

much the student ingested or in what form, whether gas
or liquid.

Within minutes of the 911 call, UNL police and the Lincoln
Fire Department, including the

department’s hazardous materials unit, were on the
scene. Officers evacuated Pound’s

second floor and put the rest of the dorm on lockdown,
not wanting any student coming

or going during a potentially dangerous situation,
Oestmann said.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert. National
Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

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