Monday, May 4, 2009

FSM Security Update: 5-04-09 *Public Confidence in Free Fall over Administration’s Approach to Terrorist Threat*

May 4th
Oliver North: ‘Lie to me!' Hanson: "Damnation of memory." Obama's liberal arrogance will cause his downfall. "Barack's in the basement!" Washington Post: Iran is humiliating Obama's ‘invitation to appease.' Obama as ‘America's apologist.' Beltway GOP ‘irrelevant?'


Public Confidence in Free Fall over Administration's Approach to Terrorist Threat

The Editors

Why are Americans having such misgivings about the Administration's approach to the threat of radical Jihadists?

Today's Blog Topics

Moms -- master of the house
Video: FNC's Wallace Questions HHS Head Sebelius: Is Biden a ‘Crackpot'?
Audio: Major Garrett: Obama Snub of FNC Was Payback
Andy McCarthy's MUST READ Letter to Attorney General Holder
Feds Will Spend $400,000 to Study Drinking and Sex Habits of Homosexuals in Argentina
FSM Follows The Economy - Here are the top articles for today. (5-4)
Jack Kemp Brought America Back from 1970s
Is there anything that should concern us about these Obama "youth corps?"
The Cost of Cap and Trade - Beware of what politicians tell you!

Exclusive: Muslim Youth in Germany: Aggressive Machos

Dr. Sami Alrabaa

The Germans use every opportunity to condemn and fight the NPD, the neo-Nazis in Germany. Why do not they do the same with radical Muslims who are as dangerous as the NPD?

Pakistan Implodes

Alan Caruba

Will Barack Obama make the tough decisions necessary to keep Pakistan from falling to the Taliban or is he willing, as George W. Bush was, to drive out a tyrannical regime?

Strategy for Swine Flu Should Focus on Common Sense, Not the Border

James Carafano, PhD, Jena Baker McNeill

Our government should remain diligent in its efforts to control the spread of swine flu, but education - not panic - is the key to keeping you more secure.

The World in Denial about Hizballah

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

The expanding threat of "the world's most effective terrorist organization."

Exclusive: Is Reduction of Nuclear Weapons Akin to Disarming the Sheriff?

Peter Huessy

By making a "dramatic move" toward nuclear disarmament, it is assumed we will change the political debate over North Korea and Iran and pressure will cause them to give up their nuclear weapons programs. What are the dangers in such a policy?

Exclusive: Mexico Starts Shopping at the Piggly Wiggly

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

Peter Frampton's "Mexican Fiesta '09" concert tour was immediately canceled? Say it ain't so...

More Radicalism from Virginia House Candidate Omeish Revealed

Steve Emerson

Virginia House candidate Esam Omeish insists any Muslim Brotherhood connections he had are a thing of the past, but an examination of his speeches and sermons tells a different story.

Missing Soldier's Family Receives His Distinguished Service Cross

Benjamin Abel, American Forces Press Service

For the men who have worn the Green Beret, memories of their brothers in arms, missing in action and killed in combat, will never fade.

Preparing for Cyber Warfare

Geoff Metcalf

As our military's dependence on computers and satellites increases, so does our vulnerability to cyber attacks to command and control through assaults on computer networks and satellites.

Today's Hot Topics: 5-04

We choose, you peruse.

•1. U.S. Fears Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons at Risk

•2. U.S. Flu Tally Jumps to 245 Cases in 34 States as Labs Catch Up

•3. Taliban terror holds 2,000 villagers as human shields

•4. Terrorist Hotbed

•5. Obama Urged to Make Pakistan Nuclear Safety A Priority

•6. Afghan President Karzai registers for re-election

•7. Presidents Don't Prosecute Their Predecessors

•8. Plea Deal Reveals Simple Technological Tools Used to Plot Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks

•9. Newt Gingrich: Obama's policy on Iran is a 'fantasy'

•10. Cheney's Request Just a Start

•11. The Taliban's Atomic Threat - The extremists who harbored al Qaeda could get control of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

•12. The Top Ten Reasons Obamanomics Won't Work

•13. Words Matter in the War on Terror

•14. Ex-Spy Sits Down With Islamists and the West

•15. Schumer Promises 'Sweeping' Immig. Legislation

•16. The Obama administration mishandles Pakistan's Taliban crisis.

•17. Time To Dump Pakistan

•18. What's NATO for Again?

•19. Regional cooperation keeps pirate attacks in check

•20. Australia cites China, India, as reasons for a major military buildup

•21. The ADL: Wrong About Geert Wilders

•22. As the U.S. Retreats, Iran Fills the Void

Caption Contest April 16 - 21

Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to by noon on Tuesday.

Will your caption come in at number one?

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