Monday, June 1, 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-01-09 *Video: Harry Reid Slams Bush Family in New Book*

June 1st
Brent Bozell - Cheers for Cheney! STEYN: Speak softly and carry a big teleprompter! How often does Ahmadinejad have to threaten genocide for us to take it seriously? Is Sotomayor a liberal in the Ginsburg mold, or someone more left wing?


Exclusive: Obama's Middle East Trip: New Dawn or More of the Same?

Ali H. Alyami

The president has a unique opportunity to establish a new American-Arab era of hope and true partnership that his predecessors failed to establish. Will he take full advantage of it?

An Open Letter to Sonia Sotomayor

John Armor

Sonia Sotomayor's "life story" proves that she is persistent - but persistent to what purpose?

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Harry Reid Slams Bush Family in New Book
Video: ‘Semper Fi' Scrutiny: Disabled Veteran's Patriotic Stickers Under Fire
Video: California Public School District Will Force All First Graders to Follow Curriculum That Normalizes Same-Sex Unions
The Obama administration is repeating Clinton's national-security errors. By Andrew C. McCarthy
Sonia Sotomayor: The ironies abound By John Dendahl
Speak Softly and Carry a Big Teleprompter
Obama's Empath, Sonia Sotomayor, is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. By Jed Babbin
Video: Iraq's celebrity traffic cop
Video: Reporter Dragged Away From Obama by Secret Service Explains What Happened
Why Obama is losing The Third Jihad

Book Review: Reversing U.S. policy in AfPak

Diana West

Is working with "moderates" in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia the way to beat Islamists at their game?

It's Time to Take North Korea Out

Gregory D. Lee

"If you don't stop now, I'm really going to be mad this time, and my friends at the UN will double the economic sanctions against you."

Stupefying America

Alan Caruba

It is truly no laughing matter when Jay Leno asks simple questions of people in the streets to reveal time and again how little actual knowledge they possess. They are the products of our school system.

Exclusive: Doers and Dreamers

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Why - no matter the situation - doers win and dreamers fail.

How Obama Impacts the Future of the Press

Salena Zito

Presidents generally have sought to manage their encounters with the press so they can produce positive coverage, but Obama seems to be taking it further than ever before.

The Fruits of Appeasement

Melanie Phillips

Obama has been abasing himself to every despot on the planet, proclaiming America's weakness through his "hand of friendship" and infantile belief that talking to tyrants is the route to peace.

Chinese People Are Human Beings Too

Jeffrey Imm

This weekend, remember the people in China who 20 years ago rose up in the cause of freedom against a Communist totalitarian government. We must not forget Tiananmen Square.

20 Years Later: Professional Military Education

James Carafano, PhD

Dr. James J. Carafano testified on May 20 before the Sub-Committee on Oversight and Investigations, Armed Services Committee, United States House of Representatives.

Coming This Summer: Health Care Wars

Newt Gingrich

Every American family's future depends upon whether private health care remains a personal choice, or government takes control of medical decisions affecting you and your family.

Exclusive: Hot Town, Summer In The Beltway

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

How did a select group of Beltway insiders celebrate Memorial Day Weekend?

Today's Hot Topics: 6-1

We choose, you peruse.

  1. North Korea preparing to launch its most advanced missile…capable of reaching Alaska
  2. Sotomayor’s focus on race issues may be hurdle
  3. On Obama's travels to Mideast and Europe, he should leave the apologies behind
  4. Taliban Attacks Are Widening Conflict in Pakistan
  5. 36 Congressmen Ask Obama to Return Authority Over Auto Bailout to Congress--But White House Says Its Not Over-Reaching Its Power
  6. Obama Administration Asserts Uighur Detainees Have No Right to Come to US
  7. Bush is diplomatic on subject of Obama
  8. Muslims want change on Mideast from Obama
  9. Let's Not Ignore Sotomayor's Negative View of the Constitution
  10. Gordon Brown sets out reform of politics and Parliament and insists he will not quit
  11. Chávez's Cash Crunch
  12. Iraq's Casualty Decline
  13. Pelosi's Chinese Climate Change - Carbon reduction trumps human rights.
  14. Consumer Spending, Not Stimulus, Made Economy Better in First Quarter
  15. Without Congressional Approval or Legislative Authority, Obama Plans for Government to Take Majority Interest in General Motors
  16. Undersecretary of Naivete
  17. Testing O's Limits (He Has None) - Iran And North Korean Are Making A Mockery Of Him
  18. Pakistan closes in on Swat Valley victory over Taliban
  19. Journalists who don't kiss Obama's feet
  20. Truce Or Consequences For N. Korea
  21. The Sotomayor Nomination and the Politics of Racial Identity
  22. PM: Demand to halt natural W. Bank growth 'unreasonable'
  23. Sotomayor's Deliberate Choice of Words
  24. U.S. Reporters' Trial Begins in N. Korea This Week
  25. BREAKING: Air France Plane Drops Off Radar Over Atlantic

Caption Contest May 28-June 2

Will your caption come in at number one?

The glory is all in seeing if your caption comes in at #1! Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to by noon on Tuesday. The top entries will be posted in this space Wednesday.

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