Monday, April 19, 2010

How A Free Press Dies…By Only Covering Tariq Ramadan, Not Ibn Warraq

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

How A Free Press Dies…By Only Covering Tariq Ramadan, Not Ibn Warraq

by Phyllis Chesler

Pajamas Media

April 19, 2010

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Indeed, April is the cruelest month …thus spake T.S. Eliot, a brilliant poet and an anti-Semite.

I fear for our Republic and for my own fair city, formerly the destination of sober thinkers and free spirits, now the playground of forked-tongue fascists who are viewed as freedom fighters and truth-tellers.

On April 8th, Tariq Ramadan and his traveling circus drew a crowd of 600 at the Great Hall at Cooper Union.

To their everlasting shame, the ACLU, PEN American Center, and the American Association of University Professors sponsored him; the crowd mainly came to pay homage to Ramadan, the biological grandson and intellectual heir to the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood — a group that has fully infiltrated America and at the highest levels, a group fully committed to the goals of political Islam.

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