Friday, December 3, 2010

12-02-10: Video: Pentagon Spokesman: We Could Have Shut Down WikiLeaks, But We Decided Not To


1. Video: Pentagon Spokesman: We Could Have Shut Down WikiLeaks, But We Decided Not To
2. Video: **MUST SEE***Showdown: John Bolton vs. Judge Napolitano On WikiLeaks
3. Video: Satire: A Look At The Absurd & Hypocritical Views Presented By The Media About WikiLeaks.

4. Video: Hunted WikiLeaks Chief Goes Into Hiding
5. Video: HS Football Player Penalized for Kneeling on Field After Touchdown

6. ‘Misleading' Andy Griffith Ads Cost Taxpayers $3 Million
7. Video: Gibbs: We're Not Scared Of WikiLeaks; It's Only One Guy with One Website

8. Video: U.K. Speaker Preaches Failure of Capitalism and Rise of Socialism
9. Video: Gingrich: WikiLeaks Founder Should be Treated as an ‘Enemy Combatant'

Behind Iran's Foiled Gambian Gambit

J.Peter Pham, PhD

In the last five years, Iran has pumped more than $2 billion dollars into Gambia, hoping to use the impoverished nation as a staging post for money laundering and worse...

Beijing's Rabid Pet

Don't Expect Help on North Korea

Peter Brookes

Beijing is certainly capable of playing tough with Pyongyang, but it seems increasingly unwilling to do so. The sooner we figure this out, the better off we'll be.

Tree-Lighting Plot Not Portland's First Terrorism Activity

Steve Emerson

The mosque in Portland, Oregon, attended by the man who is accused of trying to blow up the tree-lighting ceremony has been linked to an earlier terror investigation....

Liberal Myopia and the Reality of Islam

Victor Sharpe

A bleeding heart liberal mindset so pervades Portland and Multnomah county that Mohamed Osman Mohamud is now being defended as a victim of FBI entrapment.

Defining Communism in Class

Tom McLaughlin

As adults, we feel we understand communism. But how would a teacher try to explain the concept of communism to his students?

Free-Market Capitalism:

The Greatest Re-Distributor of Wealth in the History of Mankind

Frank Hill

Why is the current administration so obsessed with enacting "wealth redistribution"? Can it not see that by intervening, it runs the risk of preventing wealth creation?

WikiLeaks Revelations About Saudi Arabia:

Their Oil is Thicker Than Our Blood

Rachel Ehrenfeld

The administration publicly plays down Saudi financial support for terrorism, but in leaked memos, it gave a different message, confirming such funding exists. Why use doublespeak?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reportedly is hiding in Britain (FOX)

  2. WikiLeaks: Vladimir Putin 'likely to have prior knowledge of Alexander Litvinenko murder plot (TELEGRAPH)

  3. November 2010 Was Deadliest November for U.S. Forces In 9-Year Afghan War (CNS)

  4. Reid Angers GOP by Pushing Four Versions of DREAM Act Without Hearing (FOX)

  5. Parties dare each other as debate over extending tax cuts heats up (THE HILL)

  6. Amazon Pulls Plug on WikiLeaks (FOX)

  7. UK banks borrowed more than $1 Trillion from U.S. Federal Reserve (TELEGRAPH)

  8. Michelle Obama's nutrition bill fails in the House (POLITICO)

  9. Federal workers will still receive raises despite pay freeze (DAILY CALLER)

  10. House May Block Food Safety Bill Over Senate Error (ROLL CALL)

  11. WikiLeaks Docs on Administration’s Gitmo Diplomacy (WEEKLY STANDARD)

The Left's Three Stupidities

Gabriel Garnica, Esq.

The Left lives off and defines itself through three representations of stupidity, living through memes that it does not even perceive to be stupid.

Does the First Amendment Mean What It Says Regarding Speech?

Andrew McCarthy

After the successive dumps of apparently confidential government correspondence by Wikileaks, can government constitutionally suppress publication of such details?

A New Dark Age for Germany?

Edgar L. Gaertner

Germany's offshore wind power projects are paving the way to frequent blackouts. Such reliance upon "environmental" energy should be a warning for Americans, too.

***NEW*** Caption Contest - December 2 - 7

Caption Contest

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