Thursday, November 10, 2011

11-10-11: Is the Media Covering Up the President’s Comments...l? [plus: Happy Birthday U.S. Marine Corps]

Israel vs. Iran: To Strike or Not to Strike?

by Caroline Glick

Israeli hawks and doves are united in their view that Israel's preferred option is for the U.S. rather than the IDF to launch a military strike to destroy Iran's nuclear installations.

Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



1. VIDEO: Happy Birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps! Semper Fi
2. VIDEO: Solyndra E-mails: White House Staff Big Fans - Racy correspondence sheds light on controversial loan
3. The Toll on Parents When Kids Return Home: Many young adults find themselves still tethered to the Bank of Mom and Dad, and that dependence is taking a toll.
4. VIDEO: ‘A Little Too Much Coffee': Rep. Joe Walsh Explains Town Hall Tirade
5. VIDEO: 71 tattooed Texas Pentecostal preachers roar up to Israel's Wailing Wall - on Harleys!
6. AUDIO: Senator Rand Paul Shares that SUPERCOMMITTEE Democrats Have Walked Away From the Table and are Refusing to Talk to Republicans About a Deal

7. VIDEO: Rioting Penn State Students Topple TV Van & Strike Reporter in Wake of Coach Paterno Firing
8. VIDEO: Schools Start 'Transitional Kindergarten' - need to have your children go to school to prepare them for school?
9. What's instructional about these videos?
10. VIDEO: A video tribute for the Marine Corps' 236th birthday. Semper Fi

Media Attempt to Cover Up Obama Comments on Israel

Roger Aronoff

After Presidents Obama and Sarkozy were heard made disparaging comments about the Israeli premier, reported widely around the world, why is U.S. media so reluctant to report on this?

Time, Money, and Government

Tom McLaughlin

Daylight Saving Time is one of many things that government, in its supposed wisdom, seems to think is a good idea but really should have left alone.

African Jihadists' Grand Ambitions

Clare M. Lopez

A jihadist group in Africa has already struck at the UN and has bombed targets outside its own country. A group once considered marginal is growing in scale and ambition.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Afghans "Have No Clue How to Operate NATO Weapons"

Diana West

NATO gives the Afghan army high-tech weapons, but the senior Afghan general in charge of training admits his troops cannot understand how to use them.

Sixteen Nations Want to Join Feds to Sue South Carolina State Legislature

Immigration News Update

South Carolina's immigration law - where cops on traffic stops must call federal authorities if they think a person is here illegally - is seen as leading to "racial profiling."

Quote of the Day - November 10, 2011

FSM: Quote of the Day

Another lesson this administration needs to heed?

Does Iran Want Israel to Attack?

Ryan Mauro

With Shimon Peres warning that the time to attack Iran's nuclear sites is getting closer, is it possible that Iran wants Israel to strike, provoking conflict while it continues to build nukes?

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