Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Daniel Pipes requests your support for the Middle East Forum

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Promoting American Interests

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Dear Reader:

As president of the Middle East Forum, a think tank, I write you to request a financial donation.

Recent upheavals in the Middle East have enabled Islamists to make great strides, notably in Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia. Meanwhile, Islamist violence in America is on the rise; for example, the number of jihad-related terror indictments in U.S. courts doubled in 2010 and is on pace to reach a new high in 2011. The Obama administration's outreach at home and abroad further strengthens and emboldens the Islamists.

The Forum, a think tank I founded in 1994 to promote American interests in the Middle East and protect America from Islamist threats, is very active these days.

Our journal, the Middle East Quarterly, provides information, analysis, and policy recommendations on the region's many compelling issues. The Washington Project directly influences Washington decision-makers. Campus Watch exposes the problems in Middle East studies at North American universities. Islamist Watch combats lawful efforts in the West by jihadists. The Legal Project protects the free speech rights of Islamism's critics. The Education Fund distributes funds to researchers and activists whose work complements our mission.

Some highlights from 2011:

  • Islamist Watch managed to deny $31 million in taxpayer funds to the Philadelphia-based Islamist Kenny Gamble.
  • Following his acquittal on criminal charges of anti-Muslim "hate speech," Dutch politician Geert Wilders thanked the Forum for its financial and other contributions to his defense: "The importance of the MEF's Legal Project in reclaiming free expression and political discourse in the Netherlands cannot be overestimated."
  • MEF scholars and analysts made key contributions to the public policy debate on issues ranging from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to counterterrorism.
  • The Center for American Progress, in a much-ballyhooed study, deemed me one of the five most influential thinkers shaping the public discussion of Islam.

In addition, the Forum is helping to establish a new non-profit organization in Toronto, to be called the Canadian Institute for Middle Eastern Affairs (CIMEA) that will define and promote a sound Canadian policy in the Middle East and document, expose, and resist Islamist advances on Canadian soil. In short, CIMEA will seek to ensure that True North remains strong and free.

The Forum, a well-managed, lean, and highly productive operation, offers you a good investment; our staff of 19 operates on a budget of roughly $3.8 million. And, of these funds, the Forum distributes over $2 million annually in donor-earmarked funds through its Education Fund.

As debate over Middle Eastern and Islamic issues intensifies ahead of the 2012 elections, I urge you to support our efforts by making a donation, most easily at the Forum's website.

For gifts­ of $150 and over, we are pleased to offer upon request a copy of Palestinian Refugee Policy: From Despair to Hope, an MEF-funded exposé of UNRWA's misconduct; or a signed copy of Palestine Betrayed by MEF director Efraim Karsh (see my review here).

I look forward to thanking you for your support enabling us to tackle key issues challenging our country and our civilization.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Pipes


The Forum is a 501c3 non-profit; contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent by law in the United States.

We offer a wide range of benefits to donors, such as subscriptions to the Middle East Quarterly and invitations to events. (Click here for details.)


For donations of $150 or more, we are offering a gift (upon request):

_______ Please send me a copy of the documentary Palestinian Refugee Policy: From Despair to Hope


_______ Please send me a signed copy of Palestine Betrayed by Efraim Karsh

Payment Options

(1) ONLINE: CREDIT CARD OR PAYPAL (this is easiest):

Visit and follow the instructions. (This is a secure, encrypted, form; your personal information cannot be read as it travels over the Internet.)


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Please make the check payable to "Middle East Forum" and mail it to:

Middle East Forum
1500 Walnut Street, Suite 1050
Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA

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