Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Iran's Nukes: The Threat is Closer Than it Appears by Cynthia E. Ayers

"A single nuclear weapon detonated at sufficient altitude above the center of our continent could instantaneously take our country back to a nineteenth century way of life (or earlier), for a period of months to years. With Congressional EMP commissioners and other experts predicting a death rate of two-thirds or more within the first year after an EMP attack, the United States cannot afford to ignore reality..."
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Family Security Matters Contributing Editor Cynthia E. Ayers is currently Vice President of EMPact Amercia. She recently retired from the National Security Agency after over 38 years of federal service, including 8 years at the U.S. Army War College's Center for Strategic Leadership.

Iran's Nukes: The Threat is Closer Than it Appears

by Cynthia E. Ayers
Iran is closer to having its own nuclear weapons than anyone had previously thought. But will our leaders effectively deal with this threat, recently revealed by the IAEA?


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