Wednesday, May 22, 2013

UPDATE on the Muslim savages rioting in Sweden

thanks to Bare Naked Islam for this

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UPDATE on the Muslim savages rioting in Sweden


In the area of Husby in Stockholm Sweden, About 200 armed Muslims carried out a well-planned riot that burned hundreds of cars and buildings. The main group behind the riots, Megafonen, received City funding as a ‘youth activist group.’ Turns out the “youths” consisted of revolutionary Muslim activists whose goal was to destroy the area they live in (no doubt living on government welfare benefits). 


Over 80 % of the residents are non-european immigrants, legal and illegal, mainly Arab and African Muslims. First the Muslim demand that the state build them mosques, then they demand loudspeakers to broadcast the Muslim Call to Prayer five times a day. Next they demand money, free housing and welfare money for their clans, vacation pay and cars. Next they begin to demand money and offices for their groups and community organizations. 


 In this case, one of the groups, Megafon organized the riots, and the leader stirred up violence against the police before she shut down her Twitter account to hide her tracks. A screen shot was saved and can be seen int the film. Rioting in the 200 burning hell hole cities called ghettos are common in Sweden. Large masses of rioting Muslims roam in packs, set fires to trick police and fire to arrive, them they pelt the emergency vehicles with rocks, IED’s, fireworks or use guns. 

English Subtitles

H/T SwedishNewsReports





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