Thursday, August 8, 2013

America in Name Only?

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Since January 20, 2009, we’ve lived under a president who wants nothing less than the end of America as we know it.
That’s no exaggeration. 
When this President refused to defend the idea of “American Exceptionalism” in 2008, we all knew something was awry. He promised radical change, saying just prior to his first election: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
He was right. President Obama has “fundamentally transformed the United States of America,” and not for the better.
There are now 101 million people in this country on food assistance according to the Department of Agriculture. Unbelievably, that’s more than the number of people who have fulltime jobs in the private sector!
If President Obama gets his way, it won’t be long till a majority of people are relying on the federal government.
It is as if we’ve become America the Dependent. 
America the Helpless. 
America in Name Only.
It doesn’t have to be this way! Together we can make America great once again. Help us inform our fellow Americans. Support Family Security Matters today with a gift of $25 to support our Summer Campaign Fund. 
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In 2007 then Senator Barack Obama declared before an audience at DePaul University in Chicago that, “These last few years we’ve seen an unacceptable abuse of power at home. We’ve paid a heavy price for having a president whose priority is expanding his own power.”
Yes, this administration has blatantly abused its power by circumventing Congress all together—not to mention the will of the people!—using executive orders and utilizing appointed cabinet positions and “czars” to enact policies he knows he couldn’t pass through legal means.
And this president hasn’t stopped there.
He has promoted an extremist social agenda in the courts and elsewhere that is weakening the family and social institutions that are vital to sustaining a free society. At every turn, he has promoted a radical agenda that directly contributes to the hollowing out of our culture and weakening of society.
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And then Obama has exploited national tragedies for political gain. As they’re fond of saying around the Obama White House, he’s not one to let a crisis go to waste.
Just think of the recent Boston bombing and death of Trayvon Martin. The President used those events to manipulate public opinion and make political points—turning people against one another instead of bringing Americans together. A message of “hope and change” has quickly turned into “divide and conquer.”
This is from someone who promised to unify America, yet President Obama is arguably the most divisive American President in history! He consistently speaks in divisive terms with respect to religion, gender, race and social strata.
As a result, with each passing day, it seems like the real America—the one built by our forefathers and the one we knew as children—becomes more and more of a distant memory, replaced by the post-national version that this president seeks to impose upon us.
The good news is that we aren’t powerless.
Through our new strategic partnership, Family Security Matters at The Harbour League is not only fighting back, we are making a real and lasting difference.  I hope you will help us to continue to educate our fellow citizens by making a contribution to Family Security Matters’ Summer Campaign Fund.
Will you give a generous donation today of $25 or even as much as $50, $100, or $250 to make sure our beloved country doesn’t become “America in name only.” Your support will help us in this vital task to inform and education our fellow citizens. 
For Freedom, Family, and Security ,

Carol A. Taber

Family Security Matters at The Harbour League
P.S. The Obama Administration is power hungry, divisive, and lawless—doing everything in its power to destroy the America we know and love. Please help us fight back by supporting Family Security Matters’ Summer Campaign Fund!  

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