Monday, August 11, 2014

There Is No Draw in Religious Wars

There Is No Draw in Religious Wars

By: Y.K. Cherson
It's not about land for peace. There is one Jewish State surrounded by all of these Muslim countries. (
It’s not about land for peace. There is one tiny Jewish State surrounded by all of these Muslim countries. It is a religious war.(

Among the numerous reasons for wars, the first place by right belongs to looting. This one, together with the fight for females is also one of the oldest. But not a single war in Antiquity was ever waged to prove that “my” religion is better than ”yours” or to place Jupiter over Zeus. The Antiquity did not know religious wars.

But after Islam appeared, the world learned far too well what a religious war was. In Islam, jihad is the basic postulate of the Holy Book for Muslims, the Koran, and the aspiration of one of the belligerent sides to make its faith dominant and subordinate all others. At the beginning of the 7th century, Muhammad personally headed jihad to make the mostly Pagan, Jewish and Christian Peninsula Arabica Islamic- and succeeded.

Just a bit later, in the middle of the same century, Muslims spread Islam by sword in North Africa, Palestina, Egypt… In the first half of the 8th century, Muslims invaded Spain … the list  of Muslim conquests is very long, and of course looting and women remained reasons for wars. But together with looting and rapes, Muslims fiercely imposed Islam on the conquered- and ruthlessly murdered those who tried to resist.

In the last century people started to forget what the religious wars meant- with the exception of the USSR’s attempt to spread the chimera of Communism in the world.  One such attempt- the Afghan war – broke the bone of the Communist USSR. And the start of this war in 1979 also became the start of the Islamic Revolution in Iran which initiated a new Islamic Crusade in search of world domination.

I dislike Obama and what he does, but I am ready to agree with his cancelling the phrase “Islamic terrorism” in the official political vocabulary of the USA, although for different reasons. Obama did it in order to placate Muslims and demonstrate to them that the official America is with them. I think that “Islamic terrorism” should be cancelled- because what´s happening now is not any “terrorism”; it´s a religious war, jihad. September 11th was not any terrorist attack: it was a military operation followed by other equally successful military attacks: in Spain on 11/3/2001, in London on 7/7/2005, in Scotland, France, again in Spain…

One of Islam's "contributions" to the world.
One of Islam’s “contributions” to the world.

These attacks were followed by numerous speeches by Western leaders in which they expressed their devotion to the “true Islam”, stressed the “positive role” Muslims played in the development of the Western society (I would be grateful if someone explained to me, what this “positive role” exactly was), and made the stunning statement that true Muslims have nothing in common with “True Islam”. And when the last Christian American President George Bush responded to 9/11 with a military strike on Iraq, he hurried to explain that he was not against Islam and that Islam is “the religion of peace”; an absurd statement about the religion whose basic postulate is jihad.

As a result, Islam got an easy victory, and the reason for this is evident: the West lost its own religious guidelines. The people in the West cannot understand what they must defend and refuse to recognize that what Muslims are waging against them is a religious war. Not just terrorist attacks- but a TRUE RELIGIOUS WAR, JIHAD.

The principal problem of modern Western politicians, liberal journalists, experts and the public consists in not understanding the moving motives of the people from different cultures and in trying to input in their actions the reasons that would motivate themselves. The West simply does not understand the system of values of its rivals, naively supposing that they, like Americans and Europeans, consider the most important value the possibility to live decently in a prosperous, peaceful and  tolerant society. But Muslim values are very different, and their societies are based not on the concept of freedom – but on the concept of honor. 

After defeating the Iraqi Army relatively easily, instead of placing a pro-American secular ruler of the BAAS party there, America passed the power to the Shi´a majority. And very soon it became clear that the idea of stopping Islamic expansionism by superficial democratic changes in the Islamic society was naïve and unrealistic. The second similar failure was the expectation of American doctrine in Afghanistan.

The same error of misjudging the spiritual motives of their enemies has been constantly committed by Israeli secular leaders throughout its history; nonreligious people evidently have difficulties in understanding the religious people’s vision of the world.

A famous saying by Golda Meir that the war will end when Arabs start loving their children more than they hate the Jews sounds beautiful and wise – but it is absolutely senseless for Muslims, because for them the war is not about loving or hating children or adults- but in obeying the Superior Force. Of course secular liberals simply do not let such thoughts enter their secular heads, but this is the main reason for the failure of the Oslo Accords.

Religious people in any conflict first of all must understand on whose side G-d is. This is what determines a success or a failure in their understanding. If G-d is on the enemy’s side, then  there is not any chance of winning the war, and so the war is senseless. But in this context, results of wars between Israel and Arabs, absolutely evident for non-secular people, do not look so for Muslims.
On the one side, Israel got really miraculous victories in her War of Independence, Six Day War and Yom Kippur War. It seems Muslims would have to recognize that the Superior Power is on the side of the Jews- and stop attacking Israel! But on the other side… the Holiest site of the Jews, the Temple Mount, passed to Muslims without a single shot. They never even hoped to conquer it- but they got it directly from Israelis.

A mosque sits on top of the Cave of the Patriarchs.
A mosque sits on top of the Cave of the Patriarchs.

What is it, if not a blessing of the Superior Force and the sign to continue fighting? Capitals and cities are not even 10% as important to Muslims as getting the Holiest site of the enemy, and for them it is a clear proof of victory. Then came the turn of the Machpelah Cave (Cave of the Patriarchs); Jews quite voluntarily and without any pressure offered Muslims to possess and use it jointly; what is it if not a victory and the sign of the Superior Force?

The Oslo Accords, withdrawal from Gaza, withdrawal from Lebanon, exchange of one bad Jewish soldier for a thousand Muslim terrorists, the Israeli acceptance of the idea of “two states” and other manifestations of the “fight for peace” are clear proofs for Muslims that the Superior Force is on their side. That in any military clash Muslims are defeated and that the ratio is 100 Muslim fighters for one Jew is absolutely irrelevant, as well as any phrases about  loving or hating the enemy’s children.
Paradoxically, the efforts of the Western “peace lovers” who call Israel to “painful concessions” and to surrendering  territories vitally important to Israel in exchange for “peace” actually ignite more wars because each such “concession” is seen by Muslims as another sign that G-d is with them. On the contrary, the program by Meir Kahane, if it were not stupidly rejected by “pacifists” and “liberals”, would have deprived Muslims of any hope to achieve a victory, would have demonstrated to them that G-d is evidently not on their side, and would have put an end to the war.

Every step back in a religious war multiplies the forces of the enemy and his resoluteness. Muslims understand this very well; from the start of the negotiations with Jews, they have not moved back an inch in their demands.

In religious wars, there cannot be a draw.

Related Reading:
Israel vs. Hamas: Ready or Not, Here I Come
Palestinian Arabs Actively Fought Against Israelis in 1948
The Muslim “Mission” to Kill Jewish Israeli Children
“I Want to See More Dead Jews”
Abbas and Hamas: Mortal Friends
Modern America and the Boiling Frog
Ariel Sharon Is Dead- And So Is the Idea of Land for Peace
Palestinians: The Invented People
The Myth of “The Small Fringe”

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