Thursday, October 2, 2014

Member of Oklahoma Beheader’s Mosque Drops BOMBSHELL on Megyn Kelly

Member of Oklahoma Beheader’s Mosque Drops BOMBSHELL on Megyn Kelly

An attendee of the same Oklahoma mosque that accused beheader Alton Nolen attended appeared on Fox News’ The Kelly File last night to discuss the goings-on inside the “peaceful” place of worship, and what he had to say isn’t going to bode well for Nolen or Muslim sympathizers.

Going only by “Noor,” the man explained to host Megyn Kelly that after two years of worshipping in the mosque, he became convinced that Islam actually promotes radical jihad. His description of the non-public teachings lend much insight into how Nolen became so radicalized that he beheaded a woman in Moore, Oklahoma.

Noor explained that the mosque wouldn’t ever relay to the public that they support radical Islam, however, behind closed doors they were told that the suicide bombings in Israel, along with other radical acts, were fully supported. He also explained that they were taught that even if Osama bin Laden himself were to appear at their door, they should welcome him in because “he’s a fellow Muslim” and they “must protect” other believers from those who don’t practice Islam.
Check out the entire chilling interview below, then let us know what you think about it:

 After hearing what he had to say, it’s no wonder there’s so many Muslims who remain silent while their fellow believers commit atrocities in the name of Allah. Make sure you share this so others can see just how “peaceful” this religion can be.

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