Monday, March 9, 2015

OIC chief: We must identify root causes of “Daishism, bokoharamism, parkinglotism”

OIC chief: We must identify root causes of “Daishism, bokoharamism, parkinglotism”

Iyad Abdullah Ameen Madni

“Daishism, bokoharamism, parkinglotism”: the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation is thereby stating that the Islamic State (Daesh) and Boko Haram are the equivalent of the psychopath in North Carolina who murdered three Muslims over a parking space — in a case that Islamic supremacists are desperately trying to portray as an anti-Muslim hate crime, in the teeth of the fact that there is no evidence that the perpetrator had any particular hatred of Muslims as such: he was a militant Leftist atheist who hated all religions, but Christianity, not Islam, in particular.

Even if it were an anti-Muslim hate crime, to equate the murder of three Muslims with the thousands of killings perpetrated by the Islamic State and Boko Haram requires extraordinary audacity. For Iyad Abdullah Ameen Madni and the OIC, the objective is to minimize the breadth and magnitude of what the Islamic State has done, and to try to portray Muslims as innocent victims of “hatred” so as to further their agenda of intimidating the West into criminalizing criticism of Islam.

So in effect, even as he is calling for identification of the root causes of “Daeshism” and “Bokoharamism,” he is working to obscure those root causes.

“Islamic countries invent “parkinglotism” at UN rights council – Claim it is equivalent to ISIS,” Human Rights Voices, March 3, 2015 (thanks to Daniel Greenfield):
Iyad Abdullah Ameen Madni, the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) addressed the UN Human Rights Council session in Geneva on March 3, 2015. Here’s some of what he had to say.
(1) “…We must search to identify the root causes of Daishism, bokoharamism, parkinglotism…”
[The parking lot refers to an incident in February 2015 in which three young Muslims were killed by a gunman in North Carolina in what police said was a dispute over parking and possibly a hate crime. The incident is still under investigation.]
(2) Islamic States at UN mirror Obama administration lingo on “violent extremism” and “root causes”
“…the daunting challenge faced by the international community at the present is the rise of violent extremism….To confront it, we need an understanding of the contexts, the root causes of its manifestations….[J]uxtaposing this phenomenon to one religion or a region would be a great mistake….[T]hose roots lie in what we inherited from the previous century…Two world wars…A Cold War…Colonization…McCarthyism…[R]eligion should not be the culprit. Accusing religion as the source of extreme violence and terror is an abyss that will drown us all. This OIC position had to deal with an increasingly Islamophobic world…We must show courage to openly discuss and address sensitive issues such as limits to freedom of expression when it comes to inciting hatred and discrimination based on one’s religion or belief…”
(3) Islamic States use UN “human rights” platform to demonize the Jewish state
“OIC remains seriously concerned with…mass atrocities by Israel…war crimes and even genocide…most inhuman occupation…judaization…apartheid…”

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