Tuesday, March 17, 2015

US Pacific Fleet Commander Calls For Drastic Move Against Islam in America… Muslims Are Furious

US Pacific Fleet Commander Calls For Drastic Move Against Islam in America… Muslims Are Furious

America must have leaders who recognize the enemy and then fight to protect the nation from the enemy’s threat. Leaders like this seem to be in short supply as of late.
Brave defenders of America may be increasingly rare, but they are not extinct.

Retired Navy Admiral James “Ace” Lyons is an expert at spotting threats and is not afraid to speak out when he sees them.
Adm. Lyons just issued a grave warning this week that 80 percent of American Islamic mosques “preach sedition.” He argued that America should end Muslim immigration and ban the building of mosques.
The admiral, author of the Center For Security Policy’s “Team B II” report on Islam in America and member of the Citizens Committee on Benghazi, spoke on a radio program claiming the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Obama administration to the point where “I would consider them a de facto cabinet member.”

While his claims are obviously extreme, his solution is certainly grounded in his lifetime experience of protecting American interests. Adm. Lyons brilliantly said he would undo the supposed infiltration by electing an “administration that puts America first.”
Lyons went further by pointing out that the Muslim Brotherhood “penetration” has been going on for decades and the real solution is to crack down on American Muslims. The admiral  gave his statements during an interview with former Republican Senatorial candidate, Joe Miller. (H/T JoeMillerUS)

“Just a change in administration is not enough,” said Lyons. “There has to be a significant education program, and we haven’t touched on it.”
Lyons dire assessment continued, “Our borders must be secured. This is unconscionable what’s going on. And the immigration of the Muslims under the Obama administration that are pouring into this country must cease.”
The Navy Admiral made no attempt to hide the great lengths he would go to remedy the problem, “Their imams and those mosques should be closed down, they should be expelled to the countries where they came from and we should stop building mosques.”
He continued, “Just like Switzerland has stopped building them there and now some of the countries in Europe are starting to wake up to the threat that they’ve been so benign to.”
We recognize that Lyons’ rhetoric is strong but we support his disdain for the head-in-the-sand approach of the current administration.  Obama needs to protect America from the enemy instead of giving them secret deals, secret jobs, and secret payments.

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