Friday, March 25, 2016

“The Fear in the American Muslim Community has Never Been At This Level"

“The Fear in the American Muslim Community has Never Been At This Level"

Never. Ever.
“The fear and apprehension in the American Muslim community has never been at this level,” said Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for CAIR.
Non-Muslims are the ones being murdered by Muslims. Yet it's Muslims who suffer "fear and apprehension". Not just fear or apprehension. But both at the same time.

Now CAIR is an unindicted terror co-conspirator. Hooper is on record as saying he wants America to be ruled under Islamic law. Islamic law is a totalitarian system under which non-Muslims and women have few if any rights. Just as under ISIS. Or Pakistan.

And yet Hooper and CAIR are afraid and apprehensive? Of what.

Muslims are mercilessly butchering non-Muslims in the name of Islam. Meanwhile CAIR is advancing the Islamist agenda for transforming America into an Islamic State. And yet it's the poor CAIRites who are full of fear and apprehension.

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