Thursday, January 5, 2017

Muslim Workers’ Increasing Religious Demands Behind Car Plant Closure, Mayor Reveals

Muslim Workers’ Increasing Religious Demands Behind Car Plant Closure, Mayor Reveals


This is the very thing I warned of in my book, Stop the Islamization America — the islamization of the workplace. Read the chapter, “Mosqueing the Workplace” to better understand this de facto imposition of sharia in the West.

French Muslims, having begun to agitate for workplace accommodation to Islam in France the 1980s, led to the 2013 closure of this Peugeot and Citroën factory. The process began decades later in the USA but we can anticipate the very same result.
In addition to having installed a prayer room in the 1980s, the factory’s menus and schedule, with regards to Ramadan, prayer breaks, and religious holidays, were all adapted for the convenience of Muslim staff members.
Sound all too familiar? American companies started to do this very same thing over the past ten years and we have seen the explosion of Muslim lawsuits against American businesses because no matter how much they accommodate, and they invariably do, it’s never enough.

The Muslim flight attendant who refuses to serve alcohol to airline passengers. The Muslim who took Abercrombie and Fitch all the way to the Supreme Court because she wanted to wear the hijab despite their dress code. The Muslims who sued Star Transport trucking because they refused to do their job, transport alcohol.

Muslim lawsuits against Hertz, Wal-Mart, Target, Disney and a host of other American businesses for special rights, special accommodation have been largely successful creating a special rights for a special class of people — which is an accordance with Islam (in which Muslims are superior to the kuffar). But it goes against every American tenet of individual rights and separation of mosque and state).

Hertz has been exceedingly generous to their Muslim workers. And the Muslim response has been this endless war of litigation and attrition. Hertz provided prayer rooms, rugs and prayer break times. Not good enough. Back in 2011, I reported that Hertz  was forced to suspend 35 Muslim workers because they were abusing their extra special “prayer break times” and refusing to clock out when praying. There was no way of knowing when their Muslim workers returned from their lengthy prayer breaks — five times a day. Then Muslim workers officially filed a lawsuit against the Hertz rental car company for “islamophobia.” Needless to say, it’s still ongoing.

The pattern is always the same. Companies that accommodate Muslims learn the hard way that accommodation leads to more demands, more submission, more sharia. Muslims employed by Ariens are allowed to leave the production line twice a shift to pray two of the five prayers their faith requires of them daily. They prayed five minutes at a time, designating their specific duties to colleagues. Arien is “asking employees to pray during scheduled breaks in designated prayer rooms. Our manufacturing environment does not allow for unscheduled breaks in production.” Not good enough for Muslim workers. They want to stop the line. Mind you, these Muslim workers don’t have to pray at those times. They can make up the missed prayers later. They don’t stop production lines in Iran and other Muslim countries for prayer. But here in the West, it is a way to impose Islam on the workplace, on the secular marketplace — and on their co-workers.

Ariens Co. gives its Muslim worker two 10-minute breaks per work shift for Muslim prayer. Muslims at the company, which makes snowblowers and lawn mowers, objected to management’s recent decision to begin enforcing a policy of two 10-minute breaks per work shift. Instead, they walked off their jobs, demanding that Ariens allow Muslims to leave their work station whenever they want.
Muslims in Greely, Colorado have filed a civil rights complaint with federal and state officials against  Swift & Co. meatpacking plant which employs about 300 of them. The company has attempted to accommodate religious practices by installing foot washes in locker rooms for foot-cleansing prior to prayer and bidet-type spray devices on toilets to assist with cleansing after using the restroom. But they said their Latino supervisors did not respect them.

A Muslim former employee sued Costco accusing the the wholesale giant of discriminating against him because he refused to handle pork or alcohol products. Costco was completely reasonable. The Muslim cashier refused to check out people with alcohol and pork, and so they transferred him to another position. That should have been sufficient. But he is suing. Apparently he wants Costco to have to check-out lines, one for Muslims and one for kaffirs.

Every accommodation gives way to more demands. Everywhere American mores conflict with sharia, it is our mores that must give way.

Muslim Workers’ Increasing Religious Demands Behind Car Plant Closure, Mayor Reveals

By Virginia Hale, Breitbart News, January 4, 2017:
The growing religious demands of Muslim workers at a car factory in Paris contributed to the plant’s closure in 2013, Drancy deputy-mayor Jean-Christophe Lagarde has disclosed.
Lagarde made the revelation during an appearance on public service broadcaster France Info on Tuesday, in which he was asked about “communitarian trends” in Islam, where communities are becoming more religious and more insular.
“Religion has nothing to do with work” began his response, but the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) president went on to admit that Islam has caused a number of problems related to employment in the state he represents.
“There were difficulties, including in my area, for example in Aulnay-sous-Bois. It was never said, but part of the PSA closure was down to the ubiquity of religion and the fact that there were religious demands at work, work stoppage, [and] loss of productivity,” he said.
RATP has also experienced difficulties with Muslim employees Lagarde noted, referring to known cases of radicalisation in the Paris transport company, which is said to employ a large number of Muslims who are watched by French intelligence as known extremists.
The PSA Group, a French car manufacturer who makes Peugeot and Citroën vehicles, shut its factory in Aulnay-sous-Bois in 2013. The plant was known for employing a large number of practising Muslims as workers.
In addition to having installed a prayer room in the 1980s, the factory’s menus and schedule, with regards to Ramadan, prayer breaks, and religious holidays, were all adapted for the convenience of Muslim staff members.
Drancy, where Lagarde is mayor, neighbours Aulnay-sous-Bois and is a commune in Paris’s northeastern suburbs in Seine-Saint-Denis, the most violent department in France. The area, where 36 per cent of residents were born abroad, has long been known as a trouble spot in Paris, with police regularly attacked and buses torched.
But a recent report, which revealed the suburb to be a “no-go zone” for women in which they are invisible in the streets and unwelcome in bars and cafes, caused a stir across the media, with politicians voicing their disgust.

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