Being a proud Atheist, and a freedom loving INFIDEL AKA "KUFFAR", WE are threatened by the primitive pidgeon chested jihad boys in the medieval east. FRACK YOU!! SAY US ALL!! Don't annoy the Pagans and Bikers,, it's a islam FREE ZONE!!! LAN ASTASLEM!!!!
from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals |
Friday Posted: 30 Jan 2009 01:51 PM PST Here we are headed down the dark tunnel of the Obama regime. Poorly disguised as a "Stimulus Plan", the Democrats' Congress of Corruption passed a huge spending plan filled to the brim with waste and pork, and of course support for their own leftist alliances that helped them take power, including ACORN. And in a remarkable victory for Principles over Pork, not a single Republican voted for the plan. Not long after Obama had warned Republicans that they ought to listen to him since "he won", rather than to Rush Limbaugh, they listened to Rush Limbaugh, and won a victory of principles. Even now support for the Stimulus plan is nearly half and half, which shows just how unpopular the plan is, when you compare it to the approval ratings for Obama. The early start that the Democratic Junta is making on embarrassing itself with its own smog of corruption is truly impressive. Not only have Blagojevich and Patterson created two giant embarrassments for the party, but from Pelosi's clueless ramblings to the Congress of Corruption passing a plan that's supposed to fix the economy but will do nothing of the kind, the mud is pouring down. And the media can only keep blatantly spinning the facts for so long before the Reign of Obama, becomes the Reign of Chicago Prince of Crime. Meanwhile under Erdogan, Turkey continues sliding further into the Islamofascist camp. The old secular Turkey that prevented Islamic rule is all but vanishing away, as the Islamists have gorged the Turkish public on hatred of America and Jews to disguise Islamism as Turkish nationalism. With Erdogan openly calling on Obama to legitimize Hamas and Hizbullah, Turkey is now functioning as a pro-terrorist regime. Erdogan's hypocrisy at Davos was all the more despicable considering what Turkey has regularly done to its ethnic minorities, the Armenians, the Kurds, not to mention the ethnically Turkic but religiously varying Alevi. If Turkey wants to wail about genocide, it can look within its own borders. If Erdogan wants to condemn conquest, he and his fellow barbarians can leave the borders of the country they conquered, despoiled and turned into an Islamic pigpen of poverty stricken warrens, drug dens and mosques. While Turkey can't seem to provide a decent living for its own citizens, sending them forth to infest Europe, it continues to build up its military while occupying Cyprus. Meanwhile Mitchell heads to Israel as part of the Obama diplomatic assault on Israel. Samantha Power, despite calling for the invasion of Israel, will now serve as the senior director for multilateral affairs at the National Security Council. This will put her in a prime position to push Hillary aside and implement her own policies, traveling with Hillary Clinton, and doing an end run around her to her friend Barack afterward. Of course any Jewish stupid enough to believe the lies put out by liberal apologists for the Obama campaign that Samantha Power is not an issue, now get their comeuppance. The apologists of course won't retract or admit that they passed along a lie in order to promote a blatantly anti-semitic candidate. Meanwhile I wasn't going to post on the topic, but since some bloggers such as Allahpundit at HotAir have blasted the Chief Rabbinate for ending relations with the Vatican, over its embrace of the Society of Saint Pius X. The issue here is not simply Bishop Williamson's Holocaust denial. The SSPX's views can be summed up as believing that Jews are the ultimate evil and everything wrong with the world, including Capitalism, Communist, The Renaissance, Protestantism and the French Revolution comes from the Jews.
To sum up, everything the Society of Saint Pius X dislikes about the world, including non-Catholic versions of Christianity, is the fault of the Jews who are their eternal enemy. I don't even need to go into the SSPX's history with Nazism and Fascism. My point is that one can disagree with the Rabbinate's decision, but there is a good deal more context to it, than Bishop Williamson's comments about the Holocaust, something that bloggers who write about the subject should mention. Embracing the SSPX looks a good deal like embracing the same kinds of beliefs that caused so much persecution of the Jews in the first place. And the Chief Rabbinate has the right to opt out. The Vatican meanwhile has to decide who its real enemies are, and as a hint they're the ones gathering en masse in front of their Cathedrals, and taking over formerly Catholic cities. Instead the Vatican chooses to empower the Islamists by criticizing American and Israeli military operations against terrorists, at a time when even the Dalai Lama seems to show some signs of understanding that peace will not stop terrorists. Europe is the new Israel. The Arab workers who came to Israel drawn by work under the British Mandate, quickly began acting like owners. Today their great-grandchildren will insist that they are "Palestinians" and that they have been living here for thousands of years. Europe is a generation or two away from being in the same boat. The European Intifada is already under way. Islamic law is coming to Europe will the full assent of its governments. And as in Iran and Egypt, when the leftists have had their moment, the Night of the Mosque and the Burqa will come down. Resisting that should be the first priority of what's left of Europe's religions. On that topic, the Infidel Bloggers Alliance has a call to defend Geert Wilders, writing,
Xanthippa’s Chamberpot points out that
While I don't agree with this assessment of Wilders, the pattern does stand. Swap out Wilders for Limbaugh, and you see Obama and his allies pulling the same stunt in America. Swap out countries for individuals and you can see the motives behind the targeting of America and Israel. Target, isolate and destroy the strong, and then you can pick off the weak one by one. has moved to the United States.
Atlas is shocked but I'm not. This was always the plan. US Academia is still radicalized, it's only less radicalized than its European counterpart. But any such movement was bound to move here sooner or later. And it will naturally find legitimization. Part of its goal will be along Soviet lines, to intimidate Jewish and non-Jewish academics into remaining silent in defense of Israel. That is how it worked in the USSR. That is the goal here now. Atlas also has video on a New York Post photographer openly being intimidated at a pro-Hamas rally. Now having been at many rallies, I can tell you that normally the NYPD quickly and decisively steps in to end any confrontations, or even potential confrontations, at protest rallies. Those are their orders. For the NYPD to refrain from doing so, suggests that they have orders from the top, which likely means that you should be directing your complaints to Mayor Bloomberg's office. The man is running for reelection, which is about the only circumstance that can cause him to do the right thing. At Petunika Politik, a solidly worded denunciation of Barack Hussein Obama. The nation has now elected a man who seems to effortlessly allow himself to admit his Muslim heritage, which was
have delivered to Muslims. Art Freedom and Happiness has more on Stephanopoulos' inside media consultations with Emanuel. This is of course the consequence of a media wholly dedicated to ending any division between government and the press, thus terminating the very notion of a free press. Lemon Lime Moon writes, "It's All About the Pork" and Doom and Gloom Gubbermint "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR PROFITS"...Brainiac Obama. Oh really Brain boy? So then don't moan about businesses closing , How stupid is this man?? How is business to stay IN business and pay employees if they can't make profits! No wonder business is escaping the US and going bankrupt, Obama doesn't want them to make any profits.
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![]() I'll bet you can say the same. Someone has misnamed it. The correct name is demoralism, not terrorism. The hot-headed Islamic supremacists are not trying to terrorize, they are trying to demoralize as a prelude to invading and defeating us. In war, one of the most important psychological impacts a general tries to have on his enemy is demoralization. A demoralized enemy is easier to defeat. A demoralized enemy becomes paralyzed by indecision or cuts and runs, and in the confusion is easy to route. Islamic supremacists have been infiltrating the western world and undermining our confidence, our clarity, and our values for decades. They chose the World Trade Center for many reasons. Among other things, the Towers were symbols of Western morale. The Jihadis' aim was to demoralize the West. And they succeeded to some degree. My wife was talking to a woman the other day about Islam and what we must do about it and the woman responded, "I don't think they can be defeated. It is in God's hands." Unbelievable! The woman has given up. To be demoralized means to have given up. Demoralization is the opposite of determination. When you are demoralized, you feel that no effort on your part will make any difference. For example, many people tell me they have tried educating their fellow non-Muslims about the third jihad and the response they get is either hostility or apathy. One woman told me, "It's like beating your head against a brick wall." In other words, trying to educate the public about Islam is an exercise in futility. Many people have told me, "It's going to take a major catastrophe to wake people up." This is not too much different than, "It's in God's hands." It is saying, "I give up." It is saying, "Nothing I do will make much difference." This attitude has to be removed from our brains, people! We can't have that kind of defeatism. If we are demoralized, the enemy has already won. We need a fighting spirit to the bitter end. Morale is a necessity. To defeat Islamic supremacism, the most important thing that needs to be achieved is a widespread public education about it. The media will not do it. The politicians will not do it. IT IS UP TO US! It will be done one-on-one by those of us who know about the third jihad, or it won't be done. So if you come up against what seems to be an insurmountable barrier, you should NOT decide it's impossible and start trying to explain all the reasons it cannot be done. We MUST win this fight. Failure is not an option. What you need to do is decide you will surmount that barrier or die trying. You need to confide in your allies and let us help you. We can pool our ingenuity and find a way. Whether you are demoralized or not is UP TO YOU. The circumstances can never determine whether you will give up or not. No demoralists can make you feel demoralized without your consent. Your morale is in your control. You must stay aware that the decision to give up or keep trying will usually function as a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, if you decide you're going to fail, and you give up, you have failed. Your decision has become a reality. If you decide you will find a way to succeed and you try and fail, does that mean you were wrong? No, you can try again. You can try a different way. You can study about it, learn more about it, put in the time thinking about it, talk to people about it and glean their ideas, and you can keep trying until you succeed. Either way, your decision has become a self-fulfilling prophesy. Awhile back, I wrote a short article with links giving you tools to help you restore another person's morale. The links go to a series of articles that you should study if you ever feel demoralized or disheartened by this work. The articles are based on rigorous scientific studies. These are not my little pet theories on what might work. People who change their explanatory style have a significantly and measurably improved power to persist in the face of obstacles, as shown by over seven hundred scientific studies. People who have developed this kind of psychological resilience have a significant and measurable improvement in their ability to succeed. Study that material. Literally STUDY it. Do the writing exercise. Make SURE you keep your morale high, and then help the rest of us do the same. This arsenal of counter-demoralizing techniques are a powerful defense system against the relentless efforts of the demoralizers to make us throw in the towel. We will not throw in the towel. We will crush the third jihad and arise victorious! |
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Gathering Storm Newsletter January 31, 2009~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination and the appeasers and apologists that support them because the Islamists are correct in believing the following: BOILING Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.' As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal and work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats. After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning. At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare. From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing, use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels. After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide. 100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' - the Islamic House of Peace - there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim.
See details below
UPCOMING SHOWS January 30:Bill Warner
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This Week's Political Cartoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Weekly Think Piece ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Fundamental Errors of LiberalismOver at Renew America, The answer lies in that catchword Liberals love to use. PROGRESSIVE. That Liberals are always chasing the fantasy of human perfectibility, which influences so These lessons are never absorbed by liberals, it seems. They remain convinced that Liberals should take heed to an old Irish proverb. "Lord, give me the knowledge of the Things happen in history because they are ready to happen. This is a hard thing to Take the dinosaurs. They were the rulers of the earth for hundreds of millions of Ideas act in the same manner. Though many ideas exist, only a few achieve dominance Your can't have a universal human ideal until everyone can attain that ideal. And Utopia is a direction not a destination. It can never be reached as long as we have Kirk is split into two alter-egos, the evil one (hostility, lust, violence) of which It is a philosophical exploration of the complex duality of man and an The 'good' Kirk, doesn't have any real resolve as a leader until he is rejoined
Jerusalem Post - Israel"Blatantly anti-Semitic displays have contributed to an unacceptable wave of anti-Semitic threats of violence, intimidation and attacks against Jewish ... The Amboy Times: Right-wing author is banned from Debate on Islam It is worse than censorship - it's intimidation." The debate, which is set to go ahead, is between Dr Alan Sked, a senior lecturer in international history at the university, and Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, a Muslim writer and lecturer. ... SlantRight: Susanne Winters Convicted for Speaking about Islam By Theway2k Hamas and Victory Propaganda · Ellison is an Example of Islamic Infiltration · BBC: Hamas announces ceasefire in Gaza · The Virus of the Islamic Fifth Column · Blarney: A Ten Day Israel/Hamas Cease-Fire ... By Mark Taliban Slays Teacher for Not Hiking Up 'Salwar' A... Melanie Phillips: The LSE Caves In to Terror THE S... Britain's Surrender MELANIE PHILLIPS: In Britain, ... "A Victory for the Muslim Community" ASSOCIATED PR. ... American Congress for Truth- » The UN: Thoroughly infiltrated and ... This infiltration can be seen everywhere, from the actual staffing of the U.N. secretariat, to the power of the Islamic bloc, which is the last sizable voting bloc left now that the Soviet bloc has dissolved. ... But even there the Muslim delegates have so intimidated, with their aggression and their sheer craziness, so many of the others, even Western European delegates, that even the most intelligent representatives of Western Europe shrink from confrontation with the ... Darkwater: US bank goes Islamic, rides storm By shooltzon Islamic banking is more common overseas, but some US banks and credit card companies are exploring the idea of branching out into Sharia products to reach out to the growing Muslim population. So Islamic banking is only expected to ...
Thousands of Islamic jihadists (holy warriors) were trained in Osama bin Laden's training camps until the late 1980s. They came from Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa and was called Arab Afghans. ...
International Middle East Media Center - Beit Sahour,West Bank,Palestinian TerritoriesUri Blau, "IDF Sources: Conditions not yet optimal for Gaza exit," Haaretz (8 January 2009); Barak Ravid, "Disinformation, Secrecy, and Lies: How the Gaza ... ::::: "9/11 Truth" reaches Tens of Thousands in Texas ... The Muslim marchers had a keen interest in the 9/11 material, with many knowing about the cover-up. The radio announcer plugging 9/11 Truth as inside job over the airways. Tom tipped a kid $2 to bring a handful of VIP DVDs/flyers to a ...
The London School of Appeasement. The Banning of Douglas Murray. Netherlands caves on free speech The Gazette (Montreal) - Quebec,Canada Here is a liberal Dutch society so steeped in the culture of fear and appeasement that its logic twists to try to be all things to all people. Impossible.
However, we will be the surfactant of all these foul stains on humanity's record of appeasement. The BNP will prevail, come hell or high water. Mandala on January 23rd, 2009 7:08 pm. One Sunday, watching the BBC's Sunday Show, ... |
The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award
week to the most flagrant Appeaser or Apologist or those that outright lie that has done most to undermine our defense against Islamists. This weeks Golden Balls Award goes to: Swiss Government Says No to UK-Style Sharia Law.....A government advisory committee has come out against a proposal to introduce elements of the Muslim legal system, Sharia, in Switzerland. The president of the Federal Anti-Racism Commission, Georg Kreis, said there was no support for the system to be established. He told the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper that although the author of the idea, Christian Giordano, had published a guest article on the subject in the commission's official publication, his views were not shared by the members. Giordano, a social anthropologist at Fribourg University, said he Even Muslims living in Switzerland didn't want it, the Congratulations to Georg Kreis! You can check in and claim your award at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. |
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The Gathering Storm 1234 Main Street Anytown, USA NY 10012 |
The gravity of the existential threat we face from Islamic Jihad is truly of epic proportions. It is essentially a battle pitting free-civilized man against a totalitarian barbarian. What is at stake is the struggle for our very soul - namely who we are and what we represent. The lives that were sacrificed for individual rights and freedoms that we've come to cherish are being chiseled away from right under our noses by the stealth jihadists. And many of us are in denial and totally clueless.
The left's appeasement and pandering to evil is nothing new. What makes their utopian delusions so infuriating and unpardonable is that it is not only they who will have to pay the consequences, and deservedly, so, they are thwarting and undermining our best efforts at resistance and are thus dragging us down in the process as well.
By Peter Lancz,, the head of the Raoul Wallenberg World Campaign Against Racism.
"Freedom is just another word for NOTHING, left to lose,,"Janis Joplin