If you want to identify the real rulers of any society,
simply ask yourself this question:
Muslims Pressing for
Blasphemy Laws in Europe
The OIC, a bloc of 57 Muslim countries, is pressuring
Western countries into making it an international crime to criticize Islam or
Mohammed – all in the name of "religious tolerance." Free speech activists say the move represents a
significant victory at a time when Muslim groups are stepping up pressure on
European governments to make it a crime to criticize of Islam or the prophet
Turkey: Curb Criticism of Islam
President Gul says he believes in free speech, but
"incitement to hate and violence" should not enjoy free speech
protections. By this he doesn't mean the hate sermons of imams calling for
jihad against Infidels, but the writings of "Islamophobes," including
accurate analyses of how jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to
promote violence and supremacism.
An Extraordinary Voice for Truth and
Free Speech
Iranian-born scholar fled the Middle East but the Middle
East has followed him. Among his many talents, Afshin Ellian has a
knack for making people want to kill him. It’s a trait he demonstrated as a
fugitive in his native Iran after
the Islamic Revolution; then as a refugee in Pakistan
and Afghanistan, where he
angered secular Stalinists; and finally in Holland, where he lives under 24-hour police
protection because of his criticisms of Islam.
term “Orwellian” is overused, but it’s hard to think of a more apt adjective:
officials at a left-wing British council have removed three children from their
foster parents because of the parents’ political affiliation and
unsubstantiated allegations of racism against them.
Chris Knowles – Did
Common Purpose Decide That I Should be Sacked by Leeds City
In the aftermath of the politically motivated discrimination
by Rotherham Council of UKIP in the story above, there has been much
speculation about a shadowy organisation called Common Purpose. Chris Knowles
was sacked by the Leeds City Council for the following reason: “the
council has received allegations that you may have engaged in political
activities, which could be viewed as improper activities for an employee of the
council to be engaging in, and contrary to the council’s values and equal
opportunities policies”.
Chris Knowles is a member of the English Defense League.
Support our Mate and Prisoner of War, the EDL’S Tommy Robinson!
Those in charge of
the once great Kingdom have turned on one of their own. They have locked up the
man who is leading freedom loving Brits against attempted Islamic take over of
the UK.
That is the English Defence League’s (EDL) Tommy Robinson. When
Tommy and his mates were first arrested the follow statement was released: “The
arrests formed part of an intelligence-led, pre-event investigation into a
planned disturbance in east London
on the same day.”
Please sign the Petition:
Important 4 minute youtube of Michelle Bachman talking
about the OIC and the erosion of freedom of speech in the United States.
Good News: Free speech victory: Dutch parliament revokes blasphemy law
While other Western nations flirt
with introducing blasphemy laws under the guise of "hate speech"
codes, the Netherlands,
of all places, affirms free speech.

Nasrin Sotoudeh, human rights activist on a hunger strike in Evin Prison in Iran:
the morning of November 26, 2012 a group of Dutch lawyers gathered for an hour
in front of the Islamic Republic of Iran's embassy in Hague, Netherlands
and protested against the impressionist of Nasrin Sotoudeh, the incarcerated
Iranian human rights lawyer in Evin prison. The protesters had prepared a
written statement to submit to the IRI officials at that embassy but it was
ACT! FOR CANADA/Quebec Chapter
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which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent
investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media
sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate
information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the
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