Friday, February 13, 2009

Bulletin of Jew Hatred Feb 13

Bulletin of Jew Hatred

February 13, 2009

Facts without comments-- We
Collect the Dots; You Connect Them

Please spread this bulletin and send us events that you find.

Note: At this time all of our regular subscribers are getting these
Bulletins. We are setting up a separate sign up sheet for each Bulletin, but
our IT man is out of the country. Bear with us until we get the new signup procedures
in place.


Several U.S. Jewish institutions were listed on a U.S. Islamic website as potential
targets to be given an "Islamic message"
. Some of the proposed targets
were the New York Chabad headquarters, Yeshiva University, and Jewish Federation
buildings all over the country. They have also released a series of videos targeting Chabad and other
organizations. See related video below. Sheik Abdullah Faisal, the
website's Spiritual Advisor, has been convicted in the UK for encouraging
fellow Muslims to kill Jews and Westerners. 2/5/09.

Guardian UK op-ed piece denies Mumbai attack as anti-Semitic and refers to "Western
Jihad against Radical Islam" while blaming Mumbai Chabad for not providing
greater security. 12/4/08.

On Al-Rahma TV, Egyptian cleric Muhammad Al-Zughbi calls for Allah to destroy the "Jewish
" completely and calls for Allah to annihilate U.S.
and European leaders . Registration
required. Video link below. 1/12/09.

On Iranian TV, Mohammad 'Ali Ramin, Ahmadinejad's Holocaust advisor, suggests Jews used the
Holocaust for greedy purposes and also suggests the numbers of dead are
extremely inflated and that Jews used the lie of the Holocaust to "control the
Western governments". Registration required. Video shown below. 1/29/09.

A twelve year old Jewish schoolgirl was terrorized by 20 youths yelling, "Kill all the Jews"
and "Death to Jews" on her route home from school. 2/5/09.

In London, the Stop the War coalition became violent
when 60-80 members attempted to rush the Hillel House, the Jewish Student
Centre, and prevented retired IDF Colonel Geva Rapp from speaking.
Here and here. 2/6/09.

Jewish students state that Oxford has developed an increasingly "toxic atmosphere"
for Jews. One University Reader (Senior Lecturer) expressed his fears that
"within five years, Oxford will become a Jew-free zone". 2/5/09.

British anti-Semitism attacks 'the worst recorded in Britain in decades'. Approximately 270 incidents in 2009, so far, with an average of 7 incidents per
day. 2/8/09.

The Royal Court theatre in London is presently staging a 10-minute play that is a
direct attack on Jews called Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza. Some
of the dialogue: "Tell her we’re the iron fist now, tell her it’s the fog
of war, tell her we won’t stop killing them till we’re safe, tell her I laughed
when I saw the dead policeman, tell her I wouldn’t care if we wiped them out,
the world would hate us is the only thing, tell her I don’t care if the world
hates us, tell her we’re better haters, tell her we’re chosen people, tell her I
look at one of their children covered in blood and what do I feel? Tell her all
I feel is happy it’s not her" Read some
of the dialogue here
. 2/8/09.

Anti-semitism on the rise in South America. Jews
in Venezuela, Bolivia and Argentina are increasingly concerned at the rise of
anti-semitic incidents including the tone of the recent Israeli war "protesters,
who frequently equate Israel with Nazi Germany".
Here and here. 2/9/09.

President Hugo Chavez' government blames Jews for attack on Venezuelan synagogue and
says attack was a self-inflicted act aimed at discrediting the government. 2/11/09.

Venezuelan news portal, Apporea, call to Venezuelans to "take publicly to task any Jew that
is in any street
(translated ) shopping center, square, etc.., to take position screaming
slogans in favor of Palestine and against the aborted-state of Israel" and to
refuse to "buy from (Jews) their products and go to their shops, as well as
their business, grocery stores, restaurants, etc...(or those) who have links
with them or are of their property or where Kosher foods are sold." More
here. 2/2/09.

In Johannesburg, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatima Hajaig told those at a
rally that Jews controlled America "no matter which
government comes into power, whether Republican or Democratic, whether Barack
Obama or George Bush." 1/26/09.

In the last month, there were as many anti-Semitic incidents (in Holland) as there were
throughout 2007 . . . (and) they are of a much more serious nature. Attacks in Holland are on the rise. Latest attacks include gunfire
directed at a Jewish mental health center and arson. 2/11/09.

The Simon-Weisenthal Center calls German police's removal of Israeli flags from a
private home "cowardly" and "incomprehensible
. Police have since
apologized. Video below. 1/14/09.

In Utrecht, two protestors were found guilty of shouting “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to
the gas" Video of protest below. 2/9/09.

Senior Foreign Office diplomat Rowan Laxton was arrested for an anti-Semitic
. He was arrested "for inciting religious
hatred through threatening words and behaviour". 2/9/09

The Anti-Defamation League releases a survey it commissioned that found nearly a
third of Europeans (up to 74% in Spain) blame Jews for the global economic
meltdown and that a greater number think Jews have too much
power in the business world. 2/10/09.


A U.S. Islamic website has released a series of videos targeting the
New York Chabad headquarters.

On Al-Rahma TV, Egyptian cleric Muhammad Al-Zughbi calls for Allah to destroy the
"Jewish dogs
" completely. Must log in to view video. 1/12/09.

Mohammad 'Ali Ramin,
Ahmadinejad's Holocaust advisor, suggests Jews
used the Holocaust for greedy
purposes and also suggests the numbers of dead are extremely inflated and
that Jews used the lie of the Holocaust to "control the Western
governments". Must log in to view video. 1/29/09.

German police break into private home and remove Israeli flag to appease
protestors. 1/13/09.

Dutch protest. "Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the Gas" 1/3/09.

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Publisher: Bill Warner; Editor: Kendra M.


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