Sunday, February 1, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

The Ideology of Ecology and the Dictatorship of the Ecoliteriat

31 Jan 2009 05:51 PM PST

The convergence of socialism and
environmentalism is one of the more oddball ideological alliances, when
you consider that socialist and particularly Communist countries have
been some of the world's worst polluters. "Mastery over Nature"
was the guiding doctrine of the Soviet Union and still is in Communist
China or Cuba.
The key to this convergence of opposites lies in their mutual opposition
to free enterprise, and their belief that unregulated human endeavors
are threats that need to be controlled. As Western socialist countries
began replacing industrial jobs with bureaucratic ones and positions on the
dole for everyone else; national endeavors gave away to international
regulatory bodies, and the ideology of ecology no longer seemed as hostile
to socialist aims.

The Great Socialist Fraud is its substitution of Unrepresentative Social
Class Defense in place of Representative Democracy. Or to break it down,
socialists claim to seek power in order to represent people who are not being
served by democracy, but once in power do their best to toss out the
democracy, and function as an elitist political class.

Socialists need to claim to be in power only to represent the unrepresented,
without any intent of actually representing them. So the Soviet Union's
Dictatorship of the Proletariat became a Dictatorship minus the Proletariat.

Of course absent a dictatorship, the problem with this arrangement is that
the people they claim to represent, eventually decide they want actual
representation. That is one of the reasons socialists have abandoned
traditional European workers in favor of championing Muslim immigrants,
a pathetic political solution that comes with its own dead end built in.
Since immigrants can only be politically exploited for so long, the next step is
to find something or someone to represent that cannot speak for themselves.
Children are one option, but children grow up. Animals are perfect, as they can
never represent themselves. No wonder apes have been given human status in
Spain. But the animal rights hobbyhorse can only be ridden so far.
Now speaking on behalf of the ecology of the entire planet, that as
Al Gore has discovered, gives you unlimited influence.

The beautiful part of claiming to represent the entire ecology of the Earth is that
with a crisis of that magnitude, you can also demand massive global solutions
virtually without limit. He who can manufacture the biggest crisis, can also take
hold of the biggest panic, and implement the greatest changes.

None of this is really new. During the Cold War, the Left fused pro-Communist
and Anti-War sentiment together with bad science to create a Nuclear
Winter panic.

Their agenda was to demonstrate that a nuclear exchange was unwinnable as it
would mean the end of all life on earth.
Originated by noted anti-war activist Carl Sagan, functioning outside of his
specialty and doing his best to sabotage the Reagan Administration, Nuclear
Winter quickly became accepted dogma, despite Sagan's lack of credibility
when it came to serious science. But typical of such ideological science,
it would go on to be revised to fit an agenda. For example in 1991 Sagan would
insist on Nightline that based on his nuclear winter investigation showed that
the Kuwaiti oil fires would destroy Asia's agriculture and cause mass starvation.

Unsurprisingly none of that of that happened, but the nuclear winter fraud has
been dusted off and reused over and over again. With the end of the Cold War,
nuclear winter predictions have been downsized to claim that even a small
nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan would lead to nuclear winter as

Never mind that Nuclear Winter had very little scientific credibility, it pushed a
political agenda.

Global Warming does
the same thing. The Nuclear
Winter fraud was meant to
demonize national defense by
Western powers against
Communist ones. The
Global Warming fraud
is meant to demonize
Western industry
in general and greatly
reduce the standard
of living in Western nations with a series of restrictions on industry and
basic daily life.
Prominent scientists who question the rush to a Global Warming
consensus are smeared and accused of being cranks or secretly taking
money from oil companies. Groups of "Concerned Scientists", often
operating outside their fields but inside a left wing political ideology,
are thrown together demanding immediate government action to halt
Global Warming. These are all hallmarks of the same process begin
repeated. Of course the inconvenient thing for Global Warming is
that it is testable by simple observation (which outside of a nuclear
war, Nuclear Winter was not) and when global warming activists find
themselves freezing, faith in Al begins to collapse. So does any public
consensus that there is a Global Warming crisis, no matter how many
commercials about crying polar bears get run.

The irony of Global Warming is that it ignores the well known changes to
global temperatures that are well documented over the centuries and
even the millennia.

In favor of assigning blame to human beings. This species of human

arrogance was behind the same assumption that a few nuclear

explosions or enough broken fridges could destroy a planet, better

than 99 percent of which humans have never even made physical

contact with.

The drive to use the Ideology of Ecology to manufacture global

environmental crisis, leads to this sort of absurd human-centered

grandiosity. Little has really changed from the days when Socialists

insisted that they would tame the planet for the benefit of mankind.

Today they insist that they will tame mankind for the benefit of the

planet. In both cases they foolishly assumed that the planet was

theirs to make or unmake. And in both cases they were wrong.

But though they may hide behind science, it is not the planet that

they seek to control, but the lives of men. The Ideology of Ecology

is not really about the ecosystem, it is about regulating what

humans may or may not do. The Church of Environmentalism

has one devil in its steeple, and that devil is human individualism.

Man is the villain, the snake in the otherwise peaceful Garden of

the Earth. And that false religion is being inculcated in

generations of children who are being taught to hate and

despise human achievement, and worship at the altar of its


Worse yet behind that poisoned belief system, is a drive

toward collectivization, to scapegoat the individual and the

nation that stands alone, in favor of a Utopian global

community together putting its boot down on any

unregulated human endeavor.

And so the snake devours its own tail, as the

Dictatorship of the Proletariat becomes the Dictatorship

of the Ecoletariat.

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