Sunday, February 8, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Escaping and Evading Coming Government Censorship

Posted: 07 Feb 2009 05:25 PM PST

While many people assume that even if the worst happens that
satellite radio will be an unregulated option for the likes of Rush
Limbaugh, the reality may well be otherwise.

First of all Sirius XM radio is hardly an island of freedom outside of government
influence. It may not have the same heavy hand of the FCC on its shoulder that
AM radio does, but with the merger of Sirius and XM radio, two things happened.

First of all the merger of XM and
Sirius created one satelite radio
giant, which also means fewer
alternative options. One of the
first steps of the merged Sirius
XM company was to cut back
on existing channels.

Second of all the merger, widely
considered illegal, puts Sirius XM
thoroughly under government control, which can choose to
crack down on it at any time by re-opening an anti-trust
investigation against it. Even the threat of such action would
easily make Sirius XM extremely vulnerable to any dictates from
the Justice Department, currently controlled by Eric Holder, a
corrupt Pardongate figure who was criticized in a congressional
report for abusing his office, and who answers to Obama.

With Sirius XM technically already in violation of the FCC
agreement that allowed the two companies to merge, the
company knows quite well how vulnerable it is to any action
against it. And if Sirius XM already wasn't vulnerable enough,
satellite radio is closely tied in with the automobile industry,
and GM, recently a recepient of Federal funds, holds a
major stake.

And then there are the political loyalties of the men behind
Sirius XM.

Gary Parsons, chairman of the board of Sirius XM, donated 2300
to Barack Obama. So did Nathaniel Davis, its President and
eff Blattner its Senior VP, along with Sirius XM's executive
VP, and
numerous other company executives.

What all that adds up to is that if the knife comes down, Sirius XM may
not be the solution. Realistic alternatives to such censorship
will have t
o be focused primarily on the internet. Designed to continue
even in the event of a nuclear war, controlling the internet
remains difficult.

Censorship usually begins at the top, and the internet lacks a true
"top". The cultural decentralization of ideas that the internet makes
possible can be ugly, but it also assures a kind of independence. So does
the virtual anonymity of much of the system. That however can
quickly begin to change. As I wrote a month ago, plans are underway
to create government controlled forms of secure access in the name of
identity fraud.

Controlling the internet would require both closely monitoring and
regulating the internet. The Clinton Administration had opened
door to regulating speech on the internet with the
Decency Act. Both such attempts were shot down
by the Supreme Court for being poorly worded. It is not certain that
they will be reintroduced, but current Attorney General Eric Holder, who
under Janet Reno and her efforts at internet censorship,

The court has really struck down every government effort to
try to regulate it. We tried with regard to pornography.
It is
gonna be a difficult thing, but it seems to me that if
we can
come up with reasonable restrictions, reasonable
in how people interact on the Internet, that is
something that
the Supreme Court and the courts ought to
favorably look at. - May 28, 1999 NPR Morning Edition

Whatever restrictions come into play, they likely will be
This time out Holder may not try the
pornography approach.
Fighting Identity Theft or controlling extremism may serve as the
for restricting the internet. New York Governor Spitzer had
begun the dismantling of the internet as a state tax refuge, a
that has now gone nationwide. Dismantling the internet as a
free speech
haven would be a more complex matter.

The centralization of internet access is one key point. With
the transition
of more American households to broadband, Cable
providers enjoy widespread monopolies across large areas and millions of

Cable companies may be profiting from the internet, but they
are also
threatened by it. The very same access that enables customers
to go
online, also enables them to bypass cable companies by
programming online, as well as using independent VOIP services
bypass the cable company telecom offerings, and cable companies
are fighting back. With cable companies struggling to get government
permission to regulate their users, and a new administration interested
in regulating internet users, this twin set of interests between cable
companies and the government is set to overlap.

Additionally Google has emerged as a powerful force for centralization,
gobbling up emerging companies such as YouTube and Feedburner,
demonstrating a clear political bias in its dealings. Google's
of the search market gives it a great deal of control over what
can and can't see, and as Google's agreement with the People's
Republic of
China has demonstrated, Google is willing to censor to

As Google emerges as a larger player, its lobbying has become more
aggressive, and it needs government to promote the policies it
while restraining the sort of anti-trust investigations that
scuttled the
Google-Yahoo ad deal. With Google's notoriously data hungry
ways and
ultra-liberal politics, it could well serve as a vital ally in
any internet
censorship scheme.

However the attempts by totalitarian regimes such as China to control
internet traffic has in turn generated a variety of tools to bypass
censorship that may come in handy should the domestic picture
turn ugly. Additionally the tensions between the internet's
centralization and decentralization trends create a constant
that is innately hostile to any form of permanent

The decentralized bias that was seen
during this election was an ominious
event, but it is quite different from an
attempt at centralized censorship.
For now decentralized bias has been
working quite well for Obama and his
cronies. Any intensive attempt at
internet censorship would itself
backfire even among his supporters.
What we are more likely to see are
"delicate" attempts at control,
at pressuring the right company to make changes, to crack down
on speech that is considered hateful, to be far swifter in pulling
websites and blogs that are politically incorrect.

Such actions could occur in the shadows, disguised by language that
emphasizies the positive and avoids any mention of censorship,
yet would spread the shadow of censorship nonetheless. And the
way to avoid it is to research and be educated about the
options. Censorship begins at the top, which means that
companies will begin implementing it first. Bloggers in
countries such as Iran and China have managed to stay
despite vigorous censorship. We can and should learn from
Finally it is important to closely monitor any moves toward
Censorship is much easier to stop before it becomes
custom or law, then once people have become used to it.
Awareness is the key to resisting the creeping totalitaranism
coming down the road from D.C.
By being aware we can stay free.

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