Monday, February 2, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-02-09 *Jimmy Carter Thinks ‘Hamas can be trusted!’ Is He Crazy?*

February 2nd
What "history of mutual respect" is Obama thinking of? WSJ to Obama - stop taking orders from Nancy Pelosi! Advice for George Mitchell. Islamist genocidal killer leading Muslim ‘outreach' to Obama administration? How did THAT happen?


Iraq's Elections: Pointing the Way to the Future or a Return to Oppression?

Dr. Walid Phares

Why are the Iraqi elections important to Americans and the rest of the international community?

The Second Greatest Threat to America

Lee Ellis

Which two countries offer the greatest threat to the United States? If you answered that they both must be in the Middle East, you would be only half right.

Brilliant: House Guantanamo Detainees on Alcatraz

Gregory D. Lee

Let's give Speaker Pelosi's San Francisco constituents the opportunity to sacrifice for the good of the country, as the president has suggested we all do...

Exclusive: Jimmy Carter Thinks ‘Hamas can be trusted!' Is He Crazy?

Dr. Robin McFee

Why former presidents should stick to philanthropy - for the sake of our nation, and their reputations.

Today's Blog Topics

[Review & Outlook]

Driving Mr. Daschle - Tax avoidance and Democratic Party standards.
Public school performance is indeed a national security issue.
Weapons of Mass Instruction: Public Education as a Civic Necessity
Congress Seeks To Authorize & Legalize FEMA Camp Facilities
The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam
CHANGE For The Worse
The Threat Closer to Home
Democrats to cut spending on military stimulus
Obama, Pelosi and Reid Push to Dig National Hole Deeper

Bigot, Marxist, Tenured Professor

John Armor

There is a saying about PhDs that they learn more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing.

The New Bad Deal

Alan Caruba

Roosevelt and his "brain trust" of academics, most of whom had never met a payroll in their lives, really put the nation's economy on the skids with their National Industrial Recovery Act in 1933. Is history about to repeat itself?

Gang of Seven 2.0 - GOP Gears Up for the Future

Salena Zito

GOP boldness did not defeat President Obama's stimulus package, passed last week without a single House Republican vote. But it did send a message from the minority party...

Quote of the Day - February 2nd

Mixed up priorities.

Democracy's March Continues as Iraqis Go to the Polls

KT McFarland

As a result of Iraqi democracy, the march of history in the Middle East has changed direction.

Exclusive: Trillion Dollar Baby

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

Almost a trillion dollars in spending and they want to give the American worker a lousy $500 payroll tax holiday? Most tourists would enjoy a better "holiday" clearing landmines in Bosnia!

Help Mexico Beat the Narco-Gangs

Peter Brookes

Like Colombia before it, Mexico is now a frontline state in fighting narco-trafficking - and time is running out before a massive calamity could occur.

Secretary Napolitano Issues Action Directives on FEMA State and Local Integration and National Planning

FEMA begins new planning for state, local and national preparedness mechanisms.

The Radical Muslims of Germany

Dr. Sami Alabraa

"Jews are the enemy of Allah. This is not only my belief, but also Allah's conviction."

Exclusive: Government is Not the Solution to our Problems - Government IS the Problem

Mischa Popoff

We're told there's not a moment to lose; we've got to spend and spend now! But where's the historical precedence to prove this might work?

Today's Hot Topics: 2-2

We choose, you peruse.

•1. GOP leaders doubt stimulus bill will pass Senate

•2. Obama has begun discreet talks with Iran, Syria

•3. Gunmen Kidnap American U.N. Official in Pakistan

•4. IDF kills Palestinian gunman in W. Bank

•5. Obama's new rules have loopholes

•6. Stimulus conundrums - by Mark Steyn

•7. Senate Armed Service Chairman Says He Supports Repealing Law that Bans Homosexuals from Military

•8. Obama Owes America an Apology for His Lies About the US Economy

•9. Beware Of CAIR

•10. Obama's Moralizing Tone May Not Wear Well

•11. Ice Storms Strike the Heartland: Where's Obama?

•12. One group of Guantánamo detainees will prove especially difficult for the Obama administration.

•13. Iraqi Democracy in Action

•14. Israel Readies Iran Takeout

•15. Iran to Obama: Your willingness to talk proves your weakness

Caption Contest January 29-February 3

Will your caption come in at number one?

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