Friday, February 13, 2009

FSM Security Update: 2-13-09 *Radical Muslim Chaplains – Root Causes of Islamic Fanaticism and Terror*

February 13th
Caruba: "This guy is the wrong man in the wrong place at the wrong time!"[WOW!] Victor Davis Hanson: This is very serious! Brent Bozell III - How can Obama be "galluping" past bad polls? About the POTUS presser - Does Obama pay attention?


Exclusive: Obama Should Use Hindsight to Gain Foresight

Jonathan Strong

If Obama is serious about bipartisan economic stimulus, he should follow the examples of a Democrat and a Republican of the past who implemented well targeted financial policies to stimulate economic growth.

Today's Blog Topics

Janeane Garofalo Says GOPers Are A**holes and Sarah Palin Is 'Small-minded''
Video: Malkin on Glenn Beck - "Obama Followers Think Pork & Kool Aid Will be Pouring From the Sky"
Video: Striking economist and rebel rouser - dumps on the stimulus
Porkulus: The Depressing Details - By Rush Limbaugh
Audio: Bill Clinton wants 'more balance' on airwaves
Video: Caterpillar CEO Contradicts President on Whether Stimulus Will Allow Him to Re-Hire Laid Off Workers
Without Kennedy and with Gregg, the Stimulus Is at 60 Votes
State lawmakers: Prove you're president, Mr. Obama
Saudi judge sentences pregnant gang-rape victim to 100 lashes for adultery
Federal Reports Leaked

Exclusive: Threat of Cyber Crime Continues to Increase

Jim Kouri, CPP

Large scale computer attacks on U.S. critical infrastructure and economy would have potentially devastating results.

Exclusive: Radical Muslim Chaplains - Root Causes of Islamic Fanaticism and Terror

Dr. Sami Alrabaa

"We Arab Muslims must start thinking of producing nuclear bombs. We can finance that with our petrodollars, and use Egyptian brains to make that dream come true"

Washington D.C.: 150 Attend Anti-Jihad Movie Event

Jeffrey Imm

As shown in the documentary, Ali Gilani tells his members "We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America."

The "Tiny" Trillion-Dollar Turbaconducken You Don't Care About

Michelle Malkin

According to Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, "there are no earmarks or pet projects" in the final "stimulus" package. Can we trust these assurances?

Obama Burned: Gregg Withdraws After Policies Too Much To Stomach


Senator Gregg Statement on His Withdrawal for Consideration of U.S. Commerce Secretary.

Exclusive: CRC Open-Source Intelligence Briefs

Maj. W. Thomas Smith Jr., Director of the Counterterrorism Research Center

CRC Open Sources

Sarkozy urges Obama to "be firm with Iran" and Lebanese parliamentarian Saad Hariri publicly defies Hizballah - Maj. W. Thomas Smith Jr.'s weekly open-source intelligence briefs.

It's Not Obama's "Stimulus" Bill

Frank Salvato

This behemoth spending bill is a product of Nancy Pelosi's House of Representatives. So why is Obama calling it "his" bill?

Should President Taylor Invoke the 25th Amendment? Takes place between 3p.m. and 4p.m.

"24" Moran Recaps

What's the 25th Amendment, and why should President Taylor consider invoking it?

Meet Our Decorated Heroes: God Bless Them!

Chief Special Warfare Operator, Navy SEAL Mitchell Hall - Iraq

The Silver Star is the third highest award to sailors for combat valor after the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross. Navy SEAL Mitchell Hall deserves this distinguished award.

Today's Hot Topics: 2-13

We choose, you peruse.

1. Porkulus: The Depressing Details

•2. USS Cole Families Press Obama to Open Commission to Investigate Attack

•3. New jobless claims drop slightly

•4. Retail sales rebound, jobless claims fall in latest reports

•5. If Violence Escalates in Mexico, Texas Officials Plan to Be Ready

•6. Believe It or Not, Rush Limbaugh Was Right on Stimulus - By Mort Kondracke

•7. Obama faces a Cabinet setback, again

•8. 67 computers missing from nuclear weapons lab

•9. Obama's Stimulus: $13 a Week

•10. Economy woes top terror threat

•11. Spend now, think later

•12. 'Historic' Stimulus Is Egregious Waste

•13. 56% Oppose Any More Government Help For Banks

•14. Al Qaeda builds a 'Shadow Army'

•15. Obama's Antiterror Progress

•16. Judd Gregg's "change of heart."

•17. Is 'Octomom' America's Future?

•18. Jimmy Carter and the Camp David Myth

•19. Freedom Is Still the Best Policy

•20. They're Just Not That Into You by Monica Crowley

•21. Alinsky-ites at the Gates of Talk Radio

•22. Iraq's Quiet Transformation by Charles Krauthammer

Caption Contest February 12-17

Will your caption come in at number one?

Our U.S. House of Representatives May Vote On This Bill At Any Moment!

Congress' Leaders... Break Promise To Post Stimulus Bill Online For 48-Hour Public Airing...

"The American people have a right to know what's in this bill," Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind) "Every member of Congress -- Republicans and Democrats -- voted to post this bill on the internet for 48 hours....."
As of 5:15 pm Thursday, the House Leaders had broken their word. The stimulus bill -- which we still haven't seen -- will be released and will be brought up on the House floor at 9 am TODAY. No 48-Hour Public Airing!

Contact your House representative THIS MORNING to tell them what you think! CLICK HERE NOW
If you prefer, Call the House Switchboard THIS MORNING (202) 224-3121

Recent Headlines Regarding Bill - Click to Read

Stimulus Sellout: 3 Gop Senators Slashed Billions in Tax Cuts; Specter Got $6.5 Billion
Will the stimulus actually stimulate? Economists say no
Stimulus Bill Raises Concerns Over Government Rationing of Health Care
Stimulus Dollars For Illegal Immigrants
Obama's Enablers in Chief
The Worst of All Worlds

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