Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

The Latest from National Terror
Alert Response Center

Link to Homeland Security news

Sneak Peak - NTA Response Network - What Can You Do?

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 07:43 PM PST

The site won’t launch for a couple of weeks however we’re
giving our readers a preview as it’s built, and an opportunity to

get involved early.

The The National terror Alert Response Network promotes
homeland security preparedness through awareness, education,

community involvement and partnerships between individuals,

groups and organizations.

Visit Site Sign Up Early

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Watch Out for Al Qaeda

Posted: 16 Feb 2009 02:59 PM PST

We’re bombarded with bad news the credit markets could freeze,
millions more could lose their jobs, and today’s recession could turn

into a depression. But the danger we aren’t hearing about could

outweigh them all: the increased risk of a catastrophic terrorist attack.

A careful study of Osama bin Laden’s videos, letters and Internet

statements makes clear that Al Qaeda’s goal is more than to terrorize
Americans or to drive us out of the Middle East. Bin Laden believes that

Al Qaeda can bring about the economic collapse of the United States and

to achieve this goal, he has adopted a strategy of targeting America’s

financial centers and economic infrastructure.

Bin Laden cites the 9/11 attacks as proof that this strategy
can succeed. In a November 2004 videotape broadcast on Al Jazeera,

he boasted that Al Qaeda spent $500,000 on the event, while America lost,

“according to the lowest estimate, $500 billion … meaning that every dollar

of Al Qaeda defeated a million dollars [of America] … besides the loss of a huge

number of jobs.”

“America is a superpower, with enormous military strength and
vast economic power,” he concluded, “but all this is built on foundations of
straw. So it is possible to target those foundations and focus on their weakest
points, which, even if you strike only one-tenth of them, then the whole
edifice will totter and sway.”


Al Qaeda’s failure to strike America after seven years creates
pressure on the
terrorists to act. The lack of another catastrophic

attack on the United States, combined with the massive defeat

terrorists have suffered in Iraq, sends a message to the Muslim

world that Al Qaeda is losing its war with America.

The terrorists need to pull off something spectacular to prove
that they are
still a force and a threat. Al Qaeda’s growing desperation to
strike America,
and our perceived growing vulnerability, are a dangerous



This story comes to us via Homeland Security
- National Terror Alert.

National Terror
Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and

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