Friday, February 6, 2009

RE: news articles for 2/6 = Operation Rooster

thanks Operation Rooster

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Operation Rooster (294133120)
To: (0)
Date: Feb 6, 2009 1:43 PM
Subject: news articles for 2/6

Here are the latest articles added to operationrooster. com.

Iraqi forces arrest 3 terrorist suspects in central Iraq
BALAD, Iraq – Iraqi Special Operations Forces, with Coalition forces advisors, arrested three suspected terrorists on warrants during operations in central Iraq Jan. 29 through Feb. 2.

Citizen’s tip leads ISF, MND-B Soldiers to surface-to-air missiles, multiple caches
BAGHDAD — Iraqi Army and Multi-National Division–Baghdad Soldiers acted on a tip from a concerned local citizen to seize five weapon cache sites west of Baghdad Feb. 5.

ISF, MND-B Soldiers discover cache in Bayaa
BAGHDAD — Iraqi Security Forces partnered with Multi-National Division– Baghdad Soldiers discovered a weapons cache in the early afternoon Feb. 5 while conducting operations in the Rashid district of southern Baghdad.

Iraqi SWAT units discover, destroy weapons caches
BALAD, Iraq – Iraqi Special Weapons and Tactics, with Coalition forces advisors, discovered and destroyed weapons caches in western and northern Iraq in separate operations Jan. 28 and Feb. 1.

Fire Academy Graduates First Managers
BAGHDAD — A major milestone was reached recently in rebuilding Iraqi infrastructure, as the first class of firefighter managers graduated from the Iraq Joint National Fire Academy.

JSS Al Awad Transferred to Iraqi Police
JSS AL AWAD — While the ceremony here may have been small, the Iraqi Police (IP) took a huge step toward becoming a completely autonomous force as Joint Security Station al Awad transferred to IP control, Feb. 4.

On the Ground: Americans Build Schools, Communities in Iraq
WASHINGTON, Feb. 5, 2009 – U.S. servicemembers in Iraq are building communities and goodwill as their role there increasingly shifts to helping the Iraqis toward sovereignty.

Sen. Stabenow wants hearings on radio 'accountability'; talks fairness doctrine
This morning, radio host Bill Press brought up the recent closing of liberal station Obama 1260 when speaking with Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow, and talked about whether there needs to be a balance to right-wing talk on the radio dial.

Sources: Charges to Be Dropped Against USS Cole Bombing Suspect
The senior military judge overseeing terror trials at Guantanamo Bay is expected to drop charges Friday against a suspect in the 2000 USS Cole bombing, FOX News has confirmed.

Watchdog: Treasury overpaid for bank stocks
WASHINGTON (AP) - The federal government overpaid for stocks and other assets in attempting to help financial institutions last year, a government watchdog said Thursday, taking further issue with the beleaguered $700 billion rescue program.

Furlough Fridays begin for Calif. state workers
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - More than 200,000 state government employees were expected to stay home without pay Friday as California began its first-ever furlough, a move intended to save money during an ongoing fiscal crisis.

Moscow Moves to Counter U. S. Power in Central Asia
MOSCOW -- Russia is reasserting its role in Central Asia with a Kremlin push to eject the U.S. from a vital air base and a Moscow-led pact to form an international military force to rival NATO -- two moves that potentially complicate the new U.S. war strategy in Afghanistan.

Israel to Obama: hold Iran's feet to fire, or else <
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Israel will go along with U.S. President Barack Obama's Iran diplomacy, but try to shorten the deadline for results by signaling its willingness to attack Iranian nuclear sites if need be.

UN halts Gaza aid over 'thefts'
The UN aid agency in Gaza says it has suspended all aid shipments, accusing the Hamas government of seizing hundreds of tonnes of food supplies. Ten truckloads of flour and rice were taken from the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom crossing, the UN's Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa) said.

Children's bunny 'martyred' on Arab TV
A bunny character on a children's program broadcast by the recognized terrorist organization Hamas has been "martyred" but not before he was able to tell child viewers they must occupy Israeli cities.

Netanyahu secretly warns Hamas
TEL AVIV, Israel – Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu – leading by a wide margin ahead of next week's prime ministerial elections – has secretly issued a stern warning to Hamas that if its rocket campaign continues once he's in power, he will not hesitate to eliminate the terror group's leadership in both the Gaza Strip and Syria, WND has learned.

Al Gore: Don't listen to your parents
Former Vice President Al Gore has been tape-recorded telling a conference of young people in Washington, D.C., just before President Barack Obama's inauguration that they know more than their parents.

Was Flight 1549’s Pilot Fearful? If So, His Voice Didn’t Let On
WASHINGTON — The voices are breathtakingly calm, given the circumstances, as the pilot and controllers confront a terrifying series of events: bird strikes, a loss of thrust in both engines and the impossibility of staying aloft long enough to reach any runway.

Australian Pilot Lands Twin Propeller Plane In Ocean, All Aboard Uninjured
Darwin, Australia (AHN) - An Australian pilot landed a twin propeller plane with five passengers aboard in the ocean off Darwin after encountering problems shortly after taking off.

For more news and info you need to know from America and around the world go to operationrooster. com.

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