Sunday, May 10, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

LOL SULTAN,, crack me up,, a picture of RAGE BOY,, playin' the Sitar,,,,
too funnnyyyy!!!
Boy,, do ya think this pidgeon chested jihad boy,, has a really bad case of
crabs and lice,, he look's like he is in a baddd mood,,, mebee he didn't get
lucky with his gaggle of smelly brood mares,, aka harem,,,,,

(no insult to horses here,, )

How to Celebrate Islam Day

Posted: 09 May 2009 07:18 PM PDT

With the news that the State of Hawaii has passed a resolution creating
"Islam Day", there is naturally a lot of interest from people wondering how
exactly do we celebrate Islam Day?

This is a good question. Islam Day has comes packed with numerous activities
all dedicated to commemorating the time when an illiterate bandit told his
followers that he had talked to an angel and led them on a murderous
rampage that began over a thousand years of massacres, rapes, slavery and
genocide... which we call Islam.

Here are some great tips for you and your family to celebrate Islam.

1.) Burn a Book - As the destroyers of the Library of Alexandria, Islam has a
proud tradition of seeking out knowledge and burning it. This tradition continues
into the present day with the War on Danish Cartoons and the OIC's work
toward a worldwide ban on criticizing Islam.

By burning a book on Islam Day you express the wishful hope that one day
all books, cartoons, opinions and people who hold beliefs and ideas that
Islam does not approve of... will be similarly burned.

2.) Abuse a Woman - As we all know, Islam provides equality to women.
Of course in Arabic the word for equal, is the same as the word for subhuman,
resulting in many amusing misunderstandings with ignorant Westerners.

Abusing and enslaving women was a particular incentive that Mohammed
offered his gang of fanatical thugs (Founders of Islam). From marrying a 6
year old girl, to murdering an elderly female poet, to the mass rapes of female
prisoners, to declaring that most women were going to hell-- Mohammed had
issues with women. And you can't commemorate Islam Day, without paying
tribute to Mohammed's hate and abuse of 50 percent of the human race.
3.) Kill a Non-Muslim - If Islam stands for anything, it's for killing anyone
who won't convert to Islam. Most of the Koran is a narrative of the people
Mohammed met who did convert to Islam, and the ones who wouldn't
convert to Islam, and had to be killed.
While some people may believe that killing people just because they won't
follow your made up moongod religion, that exists solely so you can loot
all the caravans in the desert and marry as many wives as you want, is
wrong... those people are clearly ignorant of the true spirit of Islam Day.

Let's face it, you couldn't get 1 Billion people to live in caves, forswear
alcohol and spend half the day on their knees without a little violence
being involved. Okay a lot of violence. But what's a genocide here or
there, when it comes to convincing people that all the answers to life's
problems lie in a green book composed by an illiterate homicidal maniac?
(Just think how far Charles Manson could have gotten if only he
had been born 1200 years ago in Mecca.)

4.) Bring Peace to the World - Islam is of course peaceful. Many
ignorant Westerners confuse this with being non-violent, but Islam's form
of peace is non-violent in the same way that a Colt Peacemaker is
non-violent. Like a Colt Peacemaker, Islam brings peace by killing
everyone who might resist. Then there's peace. And lots of dead bodies
all over the floor.

Bringing peace to the world means bringing Islam to the world. Which
means killing a lot of people. But you can't make omelets without breaking
a few eggs. And you can't get a whole bunch of people to fall on their face in the
direction of Mecca, without first killing all the millions who would rather do
something else with their time.

5.) Educate your Neighbor about Islam - Some people in the West have
very misinformed ideas about Islam. Many think that Islam has something to
do with terrorism or the 9/11 attacks, (which as we all know is the work of
the Zionist/ Freemason/CIA.) Others think that Islam discriminates against
women, endorses slavery and pedophilia, and promises murderers a paradise
filled with 72 virgin demons.

None of this could be further from the truth. So stop by your non-Muslim
neighbor's house. Bring a Quran and have a heart to heart discussion about
his values and yours. During this discussion it is important to convince your
neighbor of such misapprehensions, and any others he might have, such as
the foolish notion that his idea of joining Islam is optional.

Best case scenario, you'll have a new brother and sister in Islam. Next best
case scenario, he'll be paying you Jizya on a monthly basis having accepted
his new status as your Dhimmi. Worst case scenario, Oops Beheading.

6. ) Complain About Something - Bringing down the Western power
structure isn't easy, even with their own people doing their best to help.
That means you need to do your part by criticizing everything, complaining
constantly that you're being discriminated against.

If no one is actually discriminating against you, put on a black T-shirt
covered in Arabic, put on a bulky bult covered with suspicious objects and
take a ride on a plane. If all goes well, the settlement should keep you from
having to work for a living for the next 10 years.

7. ) Appreciate Islam Day - In Hawaii, Islam Day is only one day out of
the year. In Muslim countries every day is Islam day. The more that Western
countries become Muslim countries, the closer you are to living in a land where
every day is Islam Day.

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