Tuesday, May 5, 2009

FSM Security Update: 5-05-09 *Video: Illegal Immigration and Civil Unrest*

May 5th
Pelosi in a panic! Is Obama America's ‘Apologist in Chief?' Tougher policy toward Iran "urgently needed." Podhoretz: Obama's Iran policy might threaten Israel. "Drowning in self-righteousness." Banality of PREENING! What a ‘new New Deal' means for YOU!


Exclusive: Sacre Bleu! Let's Talk About France (Part Two of Two)

Tom Ordeman, Jr.

Ask yourself: if you or a loved one were diagnosed with treatable cancer, would you really want to wait for a sluggish bureaucracy to treat you?

Video: Illegal Immigration and Civil Unrest - Full Disclosure® Investigates

Leslie Dutton

Will civil unrest result if we ignore the developing underclass of children born to illegal immigrants?

Pakistan's Future Continues to Hang in the Balance

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

The imminent collapse of Pakistan did not drop out of the clouds; it has a long history, starting with the country's beginnings...

‘Eleventh Hour,' ‘24' and ‘CSI' - Want to See the Future Played Out Today? These are the Shows to Watch!

Dr. Robin McFee

When a handful of smart TV shows are better reminders of national security in the real world than the mainstream media, we're in trouble.

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Rep. Nadler (Democrat) On Investigating Bush Administration
Ten Ways to Mother
Video: ‘We Love MSNBC': Obama Aide Confirms White House Affection for News Network
Video: Barack Obama & the DC School Voucher Program
'What works' for some kids, but not for others.
Nevada charges ACORN illegally paid to sign voters
Murtha's Nephew Got Millions in Gov't Contracts
Koh sees 'no reason why Shari'a law should not be applied in the USA.

The Denuclearizer's Bridge-Jump

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Will America jump off a bridge - getting rid of our nuclear weapons - because these "smart people" say we should?

As the U.S. Retreats, Iran Fills the Void

Amir Taheri

Last month, Egypt announced it had crushed a major Iranian plot and arrested 68 people, of which 4 are members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard. Does the Obama administration understand this mounting threat?

How Precious Gemstones are Part of the Terrorist Financial Infrastructure

Douglas Farah

Could profits from that diamond necklace you just bought your wife be going toward financing radical Islam?

Exclusive: Book Review: ‘Heaven + Earth (Global Warming: The Missing Science)' by Ian Plimer

Ben-Peter Terpstra

Global warming advocates threaten to cripple the U.S. economy and the global economy. This book helps expose the pitiful lack of knowledge held by the cultists who would promote this dangerous agenda.

‘Izzy' Award Sends Blogger into a Tizzy

Cliff Kincaid

A prominent leftist blogger has proudly accepted an award named for Soviet agent of influence I.F. Stone and has denounced two media outlets for drawing public attention to Stone's communist connections...

Today's Hot Topics: 5-05

We choose, you peruse.

•1. Republicans Attacking Obama on Terror Policy

•2. Al Qaeda exporting jihad with a hip-hop vibe

•3. Emanuel: Thwarting Iran easier with Israeli-Palestinian talks

•4. Flu spreads across US, officials weigh measures

•5. Iraq insists on US leaving cities by June 30

•6. China military build-up seems U.S.-focused

•7. Which Foreign Policy Will Prevail In Jekyll-And-Hyde White House?

•8. Obama Salutes Geithner's 'Far-Reaching Steps' to Catch Tax Cheats

•9. The Obama administration mishandles Pakistan's Taliban crisis.

•10. How serious a crime should it take to get an illegal alien deported?

•11. Remember Darfur?

•12. DHS pulled back extremism dictionary

•13. War bill omits funds for Gitmo closure

•14. Foreign challenges facing U.S. intensify

•15. President Obama......What Was Churchill's Torture Policy?

•16. Chrysler deal violates 5th Amendment

•17. Chinese Terrorists Release in U.S. Imminent, No Answers From Holder

•18. Margaret Thatcher Plus 30

•19. The CIA's Fight With Obama

•20. The Threat at Home

•21. How Churchill Dealt With Thugs

•22. Hillary Clinton's $900 Million Pledge to Palestinians Will Promote ‘Hate Education'

•23. Israelis Wary About Obama As Netanyahu Calls for ‘Realistic' Approach to Peace Talks

•24. Will Media See Irony in Geithner Introducing Tax Law Reforms?

•25. Basra residents safer, but looking for work

Caption Contest April 16 - 21

Will your caption come in at number one?

Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to FSMCaption@gmail.com by noon TODAY.

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