Thursday, May 7, 2009

FSM Security Update: 5-07-09 *Video: Glenn Beck Kicks ACORN Spokesman Off Set*

May 7th
Replacing Souter with "someone mediocre?" Col Bob Pappas, USMC - "underlying fears." (Must read!) Gagdad Bob - ‘Sales of a Deathman.' William Mehlman on "the company BHO keeps." Would Obama's universal health care mean euthanizing older Americans?


Are You an Obama Winner? Or an Obama Loser?

Newt Gingrich

Is it moral - or even legal - for this administration to govern as though the United States has suddenly become one giant lottery?

Exclusive: Fiddling While Rome Burns

Michael Sall

How much longer will we Americans sit by while this administration dismantles virtually every American value enshrined in the Constitution?

Compulsory Service - Obama's ‘Blood-Tax'

Edward Cline

People drilled all throughout their lives that "service" is their natural duty will not regard it as servitude. The advocates of compulsory service understand this - do you?

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Glenn Beck Kicks ACORN Spokesman Off Set
Video: Cavuto Rants about Obama's Vilification of Business
Video: Rush Limbaugh: Barack Obama and Charter Schools
Watching MSNBC is Torture by Ann Coulter
U.S. Importing Somali 'Pirate-Jihadists'
Enough Change Already!
Prison Awaiting Hostile Bloggers
Shouldn't ACORN's activities be heavily regulated, rather than taxpayer-funded............up to $61 BILLION?

Exclusive: Strategic Commission Report Delivers Good News - And Bad - About Our Nation's Defense

Peter Huessy

Why are some security experts convinced that if the U.S. eliminates nuclear weapons, our enemies will rush to do the same?

Video: Drug Cartels Take Over Local Politics - Full Disclosure® Investigates

Leslie Dutton

Mexican drug cartels have infiltrated city councils in a number of California cities, a la the mafia. How serious is this situation?

Obama Prepares To Throw Israel Under The Bus

Melanie Phillips

If Israel is thrown under the bus, is the West next?

Exclusive: Defiance - Facing Up to the World's Real Challenges

Tom McLaughlin

Genuine threats, like radical Islam and rogue states acquiring nuclear weapons, are out there - so why are we obsessed about nebulous ones like avian flu, swine flu, and global warming?

From Palo Alto to Leathernecks at Alcatraz

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Military Milestones from Palo Alto to Leathernecks at Alcatraz.

*** NEW*** Caption Contest May 7-12

Will your caption come in at number one?

Today's Hot Topics: 5-07

We choose, you peruse.

•1. Taliban Trap Civilians in Pakistani War Zone

•2. Gates: U.S. Troops Won't Be Deployed to Pakistan

•3. US plays down incident at sea with Chinese vessels

•4. Russia tensions spike as NATO starts Georgia war games

•5. Congressional Report Warns U.S. Underestimating Iran's Nuclear Progress

•6. White House: NYC 'photo op' flyover image, internal review to be released

•7. Bush lawyers will not face charges for approving torture

•8. Obama's claim of tracking 'every dime' of stimulus delayed until 2010...

•9. Pakistan Poses a 'Mortal Threat' By Tony Blankley

•10. 'Maverick' DHS Office Issues Glossary of Domestic Extremist Groups

•11. Secret U.S.-Israel nuclear accord in jeopardy

•12. U.S. reports 642 new H1N1 flu cases

•13. Senator, defying other Dems, to seek Gitmo funds

•14. Terror suspects slip past FBI watch list

•15. Obama's Gitmo Mess

•16. The ACLU Explains - Two Senators warn about releasing abuse photos.

•17. Neutering An Ally

•18. CNN poll: Majority support waterboarding terrorists

•19. Questioning Terrorists - With Compassion

•20. 7 Liberal Myths About Health Care

•21. The Justice Department's Torture Hypocrisy

•22. Confronting Jihad on Campus

•23. Why attacking Iran may be morally and militarily necessary

•24. Obama Administration Considering Turning Over 100 Yemeni Gitmo Detainees to Saudi Arabia Terrorist Rehab Center

•25. Will Americans Ever Wake Up? By Rush Limbaugh

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