Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

Another Planned NYC Military Fly Over Cancelled

Posted: 11 May 2009 10:26 PM PDT

A retiring navy pilot planned to fly over New York City this morning to celebrate

the end of his career before the flight was cancelled at the last minute by the

Federal Aviation Administration in consultation with city officials as the plane was

set to roar down the Hudson, over the harbor and up to Maine.

Before saner heads prevailed, a P-3, a turbo prop aircraft that often sees service

as a marine patrol plane for the Navy, was set to fly at 3000 feet.

According to officials, shortly before the flyover was slated to begin at 10:30a.m.,
the FAA notified the city of the slated flight and of the agency’s intent to
cancel it.

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Panel Opposes No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

Posted: 11 May 2009 10:08 PM PDT

President Obama wants the world to get rid of its nukes, eventually. But, for now,

it’s still official U.S. policy that America reserves the right to drop the first Bomb
in an atomic war.

During the early 1980’s — the peak of the late Cold War — the Soviet Union

declared that it would never be the first to use nuclear weapons in a conflict.

Many of America’s strategic lions — most famously Robert McNamara, George

Kennan, Gerard Smith, and McGeorge Bundy — said we should do the same.

But we never did. Why not? Primarily because we thought we might actually

use the weapons first. In my view, one of the three most likely ways that

World War III would have started would have been with Red Army troops

surging west across Europe. American conventional weapons probably

couldn’t have helped the French or West Germans stop them. But nuclear

weapons could have.

Source - read Full Article

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

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Are America’s Biohackers a Threat to National Security?

Posted: 11 May 2009 10:03 PM PDT

In Massachusetts, a young woman makes genetically modified E. coli in a closet

she converted into a home lab. A part-time DJ in Berkeley, Calif., works in his

attic to cultivate viruses extracted from sewage. In Seattle, a grad-school dropout

wants to breed algae in a personal biology lab.

These hobbyists represent a growing strain of geekdom known as biohacking,

in which do-it-yourselfers tinker with the building blocks of life in the comfort

of their own homes. Some of them buy DNA online, then fiddle with it in hopes

of curing diseases or finding new biofuels.

But are biohackers a threat to national security?

That was the question lurking behind a phone call that Katherine Aull got earlier

this year. Aull, 23 years old, is designing a customized E. coli in the closet of her
Cambridge, Mass., apartment, hoping to help with cancer research.

She’s got a DNA “thermocycler” bought on eBay for $59, and an incubator made

by combining a styrofoam box with a heating device meant for an iguana cage. A

few months ago, she talked about her hobby on DIY Bio, a Web site frequented

by biohackers, and her work was noted in New Scientist magazine.

That’s when the phone rang. A man saying he was doing research for the

U.S. government called with a few polite, pointed questions: How did she

build that lab? Did she know other people creating new life forms at home?


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

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Al Qaeda No. 2, al Zawahiri Hiding In Quetta

Posted: 11 May 2009 09:56 PM PDT

Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s No. 2 leader, the most wanted terrorist after

Osama bin Laden, with a $25 million bounty on his head, is holed up near

Quetta, Pakistan, according to a highly placed Pakistani intelligence source.

The Egyptian-born radical is a master of disguise, a meticulous planner and

the deadliest of terrorists. Yet Pakistani intelligence sources say he roams

openly and with impunity in the border regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

While Predators continue to strike at a variety of key terror targets in that

area, our source tells us that the CIA and other intelligence agencies cannot get
al-Zawahiri, though they usually know for the most part where he is.

Al-Zawahiri’s recent movements can be tracked with some specificity. He was

positively identified in the North Waziristan Agency of Pakistan in June 2008,

and the locations pinpointed where he conducted high- level meetings.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

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Hacked ATMs Steal $500G From Bank Customers

Posted: 11 May 2009 09:52 PM PDT

A sophisticated band of thieves managed to steal personal information and

more than half a million dollars from hundreds of New York City bank

customers by rigging ATMs in what police say is further evidence of the

continued assault on personal data by identity thieves.

Police said the identity thieves installed devices on ATM machines at Sovereign

Bank branches in Staten Island that enabled them to collect account and PIN
numbers, the New York Daily News
reported Monday.

First they placed skimmers on the slots where customers inserted their bank

card that could read and store the information. Then a tiny camera was hidden

in the lighted sign on the ATM that filmed customers typing in PIN codes, the

Daily News reported.

“This crew is sophisticated,” Deputy Inspector Gregory Antonsen, head of the

NYPD’s special investigations division, told the Daily News. “And they are
coming up with new ways to steal
your identity every day.”

The ATM-riggers managed to steal more than $500,000 from more than

250 victims.

They also created fake ATM cards with the same magnetic codes as the victims

and used the cards at different banks, police said.

via Hacked ATMs
Steal $500G From Bank Customers - Science News Science & Technology
Technology News - FOXNews.com

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Roxana Saberi, Journalist Jailed In Iran To Be Freed

Posted: 11 May 2009 06:24 AM PDT

Roxana Saberi, an American journalist convicted in Iran on spying charges, is to

be freed after an appeals court downgraded her sentence.

Lawyers for the 32-year old said the court had reduced the eight-year jail

sentence to a suspended two-year term and she would soon be freed.

The Iranian-American television reporter had lived in Iran for six years
before she was charged with “cooperating with a hostile state” after her

arrest in January. The harsh sentence provoked aninternational backlash

that prompted Iran’s hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to express

concern that she had received due process. After his intervention the head

of the Iranian judicary asked for the appeal court review.

“The verdict of the previous court has been quashed,” lawyer Saleh Nikbakht

said. “Her punishment has been changed to a suspended two-year sentence

and she will be out of prison.”

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

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