Monday, May 4, 2009

news articles for 5/4

Thanks Operation Rooster!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Operation Rooster
Date: May 4, 2009 11:45 AM
Subject: news articles for 5/4

Here are the latest articles added to

ERB creates intelligence gap for suspected terrorist cell
TIKRIT, Iraq – The 5th Emergency Readiness Battalion, with Coalition forces advisors, arrested a suspected terrorist cell intelligence director in Ninewa Province during a mission April 29.

Suspect detained during raid in Sadr City
BAGHDAD –Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition forces worked together to detain a suspect during a raid conducted May 1 in the Thawra 2 neighborhood of Sadr City.

Suspect detained after raid in Adhamiyah
BAGHDAD –On a warrant issued by the Government of Iraq, Coalition forces detained a suspect during a raid May 2 at approximately 5 the Adhamiyah district of Baghdad.

Iraqis Complete First-ever Frequency, Spectrum Management Course
BAGHDAD — Fourteen students drawn from the Iraqi Ministries of Communications, Defense, Interior, and the Communications and Media Commission completed a course on spectrum management taught by members of the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency’s Joint Spectrum Center out of Annapolis, MD.

Iraqi, U.S. Military Police Work Together
BAGHDAD — The heat of the day is rising as Iraqi and U.S. Military Police move through a market in the Amariyah neighborhood, April 29. They move through an intersection that looks just like the others they have encountered during the day, but this one has significance, according to Staff Sgt. Preston O'Neal, a squad leader assigned to the 463rd MP Co.

Obama: Wall Street Will Play Less Dominant Role
Wall Street is not going to play as dominant a role in the economy as regulations reduce "some of the massive leveraging and the massive risk-taking that had become so common," President Barack Obama says.

China has 'canceled US credit card': lawmaker
WASHINGTON (AFP) — China, wary of the troubled US economy, has already "canceled America's credit card" by cutting down purchases of debt, a US congressman said Thursday.

Worries Rise on the Size of U.S. Debt
The nation’s debt clock is ticking faster than ever — and Wall Street is getting worried. As the Obama administration racks up an unprecedented spending bill for bank bailouts, Detroit rescues, health care overhauls and stimulus plans, the bond market is starting to push up the cost of trillions of dollars in borrowing for the government.

New gun law aimed at asserting sovereignty
Gov. Brian Schweitzer has signed into law a bill that aims to exempt Montana-made guns from federal regulation, adding firepower to a battery of legislative efforts to assert states’ rights across the nation.

Some stockpiling to prepare should times turn perilous
Ammo. Canned goods. Vegetable seeds. Fortified water by the case. They are reportedly flying off the shelves, these staples of the stockpile crowd. “Survivalist” isn’t the right term, not in a downturn that has got everyone nervous. “Preparedness” or “self-sufficiency” — that is what they are saying.

U.S. Fears Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons at Risk
ISLAMABAD — Senior American officials say they are increasingly concerned Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal may be at risk from a rising Taliban and Al Qaeda insurgency in the vulnerable country, the New York Times reported Monday.

U.S. sanctions will not halt nuclear work: Iran
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran will not suspend its disputed nuclear program even if the United States imposes sanctions targeting companies that ship fuel to the Islamic Republic, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Monday.

Journalist group: US reporter hospitalized in Iran
CAIRO (AP) — The American journalist on a hunger strike for two weeks to protest her imprisonment in Iran was briefly hospitalized after she intensified her fast by refusing to drink water, Reporters Without Borders said Monday.

Tunnels Pose Trouble from Mexico to Middle East
By 2014 most of the border will be home to sensor-equipped towers that are linked to a central communications network. But while proponents argue that the system will help stem the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs and arms coming over the border, most experts admit it will do little to guard against people making their way under it.

'Green' lightbulbs poison workers
WHEN British consumers are compelled to buy energy-efficient lightbulbs from 2012, they will save up to 5m tons of carbon dioxide a year from being pumped into the atmosphere. In China, however, a heavy environmental price is being paid for the production of “green” lightbulbs in cost-cutting factories.

Here is today's break from all the serious stuff.

A bit of a bunny couple: The unlikely friendship of the piglet and the giant rabbit
Pigs and rabbits have never been regarded as having the potential to be great mates. Like the tortoise and the hare, the former enjoys a slower pace of life while the latter spends its time hopping from burrow to burrow.

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