Friday, June 5, 2009

DC: Capitol Hill Rally Remembers Tiananmen Martyrs

DC: Capitol Hill Rally Remembers Tiananmen Martyrs

June 5, 2009

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)
Contact: Jeffrey Imm,

On June 4, the Initiatives for China and other groups held a Washington DC rally on Capitol Hill remembering the Tiananmen and Beijing martyrs for freedom killed on June 4, 1989. At the Washington DC Capitol Hill rally, a number of individuals spoke on behalf of those continuing to seek liberty and democracy for the Chinese people, as well as remembering those who died in the June 4, 1989 Beijing massacre.


Former Tiananmen Square students and leaders recounted what happened 20 years ago, and they forcefully called for democracy and liberty for the people of China. Tiananmen Square leader Dr. Wang Dan spoke at this Capitol Hill rally. In addition, the heroic Mr. Fang Zheng, who lost both of his legs crushed by a Communist military tank in Tiananmen Square, also was present and honored at the Capitol Hill rally.

Tiananmen Square leader Dr. Wang Dan speaks at June 4, 2009 Capitol Hill rally for freedom
Tiananmen Square leader Dr. Wang Dan speaks at June 4, 2009 Capitol Hill rally for freedom

There were numerous attendees from the China Democracy Party organization, whose red and blue striped flags with a white star, dotted the West Lawn of Capitol Hill (China Democracy Party's English website).






In addition, Dr. Lee Edwards of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation also spoke of his experiences seeking to challenge the Communist Chinese government on the issue of Tiananmen Square, as did several Congressional leaders. The China Support Network (CSN) blog also reported on a statement by U.S. Congressional Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Amnesty International also had a number of attendees at the rally, and had a speaker from their organization addressing the continuing problem in China.

Dr. Lee Edwards of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation speaks
Dr. Lee Edwards of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation speaks

On the Capitol Hill grounds, a replica of the "Goddess of Democracy" was on display in remembrance of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 and Beijing massacre.


Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)'s Jeffrey Imm attended the rally on Capitol Hill prior to the R.E.A.L. protest outside the Communist Chinese embassy later that afternoon.

Jeffrey Imm of Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) attends June 4, 2009 Capitol Hill Rally Remembering Tiananmen Square
Jeffrey Imm of Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) attends June 4, 2009 Capitol Hill Rally Remembering Tiananmen Square

Per the Initiatives for China website, the 20th Anniversary Tiananmen sponsors, cosponsors, and participants:

"(Mainland) China New Democracy Party, (Outside Mainland China) Initiatives for China, Asian Human Rights Coalition, Uyghur American Conference, International Campaign for Tibet, Friends of the Falun Gong, Amnesty International, Pan Asian Human Rights Foundation, Allies of the Guard of Canadian Values, China Rights Network (Canada), June 4 Massacre Investigation, Democratic Team in Los Angeles, Federation for a Democratic China, Chinese Liberal Democratic Party, Society for Chinese Students and Scholars (Germany, Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars (US), Sydney Workshop for Democratic China (AUS). Hong Kong Federation for a Democratic China, Asia Pacific Human Rights Foundation, Anti Political Persecution Alliance of China, Chinese Coalition for Citizens Rights, Chinese Democracy Promotive Society, Chinese Democracy Party USA Headquarters, China Democracy Forum (NY), Chinese Alliance for Democracy, The Overseas Chinese Coalition of Australia, China Social Democratic Party, Asian Pacific Human Rights Coalition, Chinese Constitutionalists Association."



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