Monday, June 8, 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-08-09 *Obama Twisted Facts and Omitted Others*

June 8 th
How bizarre was BHO's Cairo speech? Let us count the ways. Greg Lewis: Russia Redux. Identity politics in the age of Obama. Greg Lewis: Russia Redux. Victor Davis Hanson: Is it going to be race and resentment all of the time?!" AJ DiCintio: "I never knew that!"


Exclusive: Obama Twisted Facts and Omitted Others

Dr. Sami Alrabaa

Either Obama did not read the Koran and Hadith and does not really know what is really going on in Muslim countries and communities, or he simply wants to appease Muslims.

A Win for the Good Guys - and a Setback for Our Sharia-Adherent Enemies

Frank Gaffney, Jr., and David Yerushalmi

An important ruling has been made that is a setback for Sharia-compliant finance in America, which can funnel funds toward terrorism.

Exclusive: Should America Be an Extension of Europe?

Manda Zand Ervin

When America pokes its nose into European affairs, the outcomes are not always favorable.

Exclusive: Obama and ACORN Officials: Setting Sights on Gun Owners?

Jim Kouri, CPP

It's bad enough that ACORN has been implicated in voter fraud in a number of states - now it's engaging in a campaign against the Second Amendment.

15 Hard Questions about Obama's Cairo Speech

Dr. Walid Phares

Is the equation of mending relations between a nation state, America, and a whole civilization, Islam, rational?

Exclusive: Obama Bombs American History 101

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

Sorry, Barack: Jefferson had it right, and you have it wrong.

Today's Blog Topics

Video: North Korea Sentences Two US Journalists to 12 Years in Labor Prison
Video: D-Day Veterans Boo British PM Brown Over Queen's Exclusion From Ceremonies
Video: Van Rollover Kills Ten Illegal Immigrants Near Tucson
Video: Obama Urges Taxing Wealthy as Means to Fund Health Care Overhaul
Video: NBC's coverage of Obama too much even for Jon Stewart
Video: Ronald Reagan - Ceremony Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion
When did it become a responsibility of the President of the U.S. to protect Muslims?........or members of any other religion, for that matter?
Palin: Defense cuts are 'a sign of weakness'
Do you think that Obama is moving toward a totalitarian-ruled USA?
ACORN People's Platform

Exclusive: Why the Pulitzer Prize Committee Should Rescind its Recent Award to the New York Times

Colonel Kenneth Allard (US Army, ret.)

"Your Committee failed its most basic professional responsibility: to ensure that the Pulitzer Prize was awarded to a recipient who epitomized the highest standards of journalistic integrity."

Exclusive: Taking an Economic Bite Out Of The Big Apple

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

How could Obama justify such an outing after he spent the last four months excoriating CEO's for flying to lavish junkets in their fancy schmancy corporate jets? The answer is simple.

Exclusive: Taking Obama & Mainstream Media Seriously Gets More Difficult By the Day

Gabriel Garnica, Esq.

Obama could make a speech in front of The Lincoln Memorial wearing nothing but a top hat while speaking out against public nudity and this media would fawn over how good he looks in a top hat.

Exclusive: Reflections on D-Day: June 6th, 1944

Ruth King

Every single American generation has brave soldiers who stand ready to fight and defend and to die for country, honor and duty. We salute and bless them.

Exclusive: Quote of the Day - June 8, 2009

With "journalists" like Tom Brokaw, who needs opinion commentators?

Obama Submits

Edward Cline

A man is not made by his ancestors - not unless he chooses to be.

My Auto Shopping Adventure: One Reason GM Failed

Gregory D. Lee

As much as I would like to buy an American automobile, it's hard when dealers don't have what you want, and the sales force don't know their products and have a take-it-or-leave-it attitude.

Weather Malarkey

Alan Caruba

Who are you going to believe? The thermometer your home or apartment uses to determine the temperature outside or the Greens?

Today's Hot Topics: 6-8

We choose, you peruse.

•1. N. Korea Sentences U.S. Reporters to 12 Years

•2. U.S. Weighs Intercepting North Korean Shipments

•3. Merkel, Sarkozy Win EU Vote, Easing Stimulus Pressure

•4. Netanyahu wants "maximum understanding" with U.S

•5. Wanted: A Smarter Immigration Policy

•6. Sotomayor and the Politics of Race

•7. Lebanon Goes to the Polls-- Record Turnout ...Update: HEZBOLLAH DEFEATED!

•8. Spy Charges May Complicate Obama's Efforts to Engage Cuba

•9. Officials: Bin Laden Running Out Of Space To Hide

•10. Gender and heritage a frequent topic for Sotomayor

•11. Top Obama Adviser: Congress Will Approve Government-Owned Health-Care This Summer

•12. Why the Taliban won't take over Pakistan

•13. Total Tolerance

•14. Guantanamo's Repeat Offenders

•15. In Iran, disparate, powerful forces ally against Ahmadinejad

•16. ‘The Muslim World' One-way multiculturalism. By Mark Steyn

•17. The Watergate of Waterboarding by Jed Babbin

•18. More Cuban Spies?

•19. GOP seeks to trim stimulus, cut deficit

•20. For some soldiers, there's no place like combat.

•21. Obama Apology Tour Hits Germany

•22. Obama's Enemies List Grows

•23. The Pakistani army is marching into al-Qaeda's stronghold

•24. Supreme Court asked to block Chrysler sale to Fiat

•25. 'A Wise Latina Woman' - The context shows that Judge Sotomayor meant what she said.

Caption Contest June 4 - 9

Will your caption come in at number one?

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