Wednesday, November 4, 2009

11-04-09: Exclusive: The Implications of A Post ‘Nuclear Option’ Environment for the Senate Health Care Vote

November 4th
Obama's fight to win or lose. "First step into a thousand years of darkness." Burt Prelutsky: Libs are ‘America's termites.' Obama ‘more steamroller than change agent. Déjà vu? Russians arming Cuba's military. ‘Czar struck?' "O" dithering, caterwauling.


Exclusive: The Implications of A Post ‘Nuclear Option' Environment for the Senate Health Care Vote

C. Austin Burrell

Are we looking at the beginning of the end of this country as we have known it?

Dangerous Spin - Islamists' Irresponsible Response to FBI Shooting

Steve Emerson

Responsible parties should study what happened in Detroit last week to avoid a repeat occurrence. Sadly, those lessons are not the ones being emphasized by certain Islamic advocacy groups.

Exclusive: Enforcement of Immigration Laws Benefits the Economy

Michael Cutler

Isn't amazing that after billions of dollars were supposedly pumped into the economy to get the economy moving, the government is still concerned that jobs will continue to be lost?

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Rep. Bachmann on Health Reform Bill Protest - Rallies people to head to D.C. - "This is the Super Bowl of Freedom"
Video: Dem Congressman Compares GOP to Taliban
Video: New Rev. Jeremiah Wright Video - Praising Marxism
Reid's office clarifies health goal. . . maybe not 'til 2010, if ever. "Never?"
Gore's Profits of Doom
"It was a telling sign when they couldn't even fill up the room with Biden!"
Video: Rep. Ryan (R-WI) explains flaws in Pelosi's health care disaster.
Does SEIU Boss Andy Stern Run America?

Criminal States vs. Failed States

Douglas Farah

What is the primary danger of criminal-extractive states such as North Korea and Zimbabwe?

How to Fix the Afghan Government

Amir Taheri

Several crucial issues must be resolved if the Afghan government is to move beyond what many believe was a tainted presidential election.

Surprise - Princeton Professor Says, 'I Ought to Torture a Terrorist' to Save New York

Ben-Peter Terpstra

Why do professional activists advance the view that torture makes us just as bad as our enemies?

Pentagon Must Improve Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Efforts

Jim Kouri, CPP

The U.S. military has launched an intensive program to defeat the users of these deadly homemade bombs. Will it be effective?

Protecting America in the New Missile Age - Chapter 9: The Current State of Missile Defenses

Jeff Kueter

"Hit-to-kill is no longer a technological uncertainty; it is a reality, being successfully demonstrated many times over the past few years."

Caption Contest: Top Entries - November 3

And the winner is...

Today's Hot Topics

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