Thursday, November 5, 2009

BOOK REVIEW: 'Muslim Mafia' Reveals Plans of Radical Islam Through CAIR, Other Groups, to Take Over 'North America' -- 'If It Takes 100 Years'

Nov. 5, 2009

BOOK REVIEW: 'Muslim Mafia' Reveals Plans of Radical Islam Through CAIR, Other Groups, to Take Over 'North America' -- 'If It Takes 100 Years'

Reviewed By David M. Book Critic

From Solsticewitch13's BOS

Chris Gaubatz infiltrated the national headquarters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), as an intern named David Marshall pretending to be a devoted convert to Islam. He saved thousands of pages of CAIR documents from the shredder -- documents that, according to authors P. David Gaubatz -- Chris' father -- and Paul Sperry show CAIR to be part of the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled "Muslim Mafia" that seeks to turn the U.S. into an Islamic nation ruled by Shariah law rather than the Constitution.

Their revelations, supported by more than 12,000 pages of confidential CAIR documents and hundreds of hours of video, are told in great detail in "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America" (WND Books, 448 pages, photographs, index, appendixes, $25.95). Authors Gaubatz and Sperry reveal the plot against America, using the nonprofit status of CAIR as a civil rights organization like the NAACP or the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to support the international jihad against the U.S.

Gaubatz, a veteran federal investigator, and Sperry, an investigative journalist and author of "Infiltration," connect the dots, showing how radical Islamists have taken advantage of America's freedom -- and Political Correctness -- to form dozens of organizations whose ultimate goal is converting the kaffirs (unbelievers) and bringing the Caliphate to North America.

Gaubatz says that the information gathered by his son Chris, together with recently declassified FBI evidence, links CAIR -- the preeminent Islamic lobby group in the nation -- to "terrorism, fraud, and sedition." Sperry and Gaubatz write that the information uncovered and published in their book "amount to a smoking gun..." and a "clear road map to the criminal conspiracy by CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and other outwardly benign Muslim organizations to support violent jihad and undermine law enforcement -- with the ultimate goal of eliminating and destroying American society from within."

Among the documents obtained in the undercover operation were minutes of the post-9/11 CAIR board meeting detailing the inner workings of the anti-Israel lobby and the entire left-wing anti-American conspiracy that includes the ACLU, Congressional Black Caucus and others." Sperry and Gaubatz detail the actions of Qorvis Communications, a Washington, DC-based lobbying organization hired by Saudi Arabia as their "mouthpiece" in Washington, launching a PR offensive to save the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria VA from being closed in light of its open hatred of Christians and Jews and serving as a "breeding ground for terrorists."

The authors say Qorvis channeled thousands of dollars of campaign contributions to a Fairfax County, VA official, Democrat Gerry Connolly, who renewed the school's lease and later successfully ran for Congress, representing the district which has a large Muslim population.

He currently represents Virginia's 11th Congressional District. In addition to Connolly, other lawmakers favorable to CAIR include Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., whose Detroit area district includes Dearborn, Mich., which has the largest Arab population in the U.S. On Page 192, the authors provide a list of 40 "CAIR's Appeasers": "compromised politicians who still support CAIR in spite of its proven ties to terrorism."

Among the people listed are Rep. Nick J. Rahall, D-WV, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-MN; Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-TX; Rep. Barbara Lee, D-CA; and Rep. Charles Rangell, D-NY. Well-known Israel hater Rep. Pete Stark, D-CA, is on the list, but so is, surprisingly, a Jewish congressman from Southern California, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-CA.

The only Republicans on the list are Rep. Gary Miller, R-CA, and Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest, R-MI. California and Michigan both have large Muslim populations. Quoting FBI agents and former ones, the authors show how Political Correctness has made outreach to CAIR and "other dubious Muslim groups" a top priority.

Ben R. Furman, former FBI counterterrorism chief in Detroit, told the authors that "political correctness has darn near beaten common-sense police work to death." Homeland Security, the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the FBI have issued memos imposing "Orwellian speech code," Sperry and Gaubatz write. "It is no longer advisable for staff to use terms such as 'jihadist,' 'Islamist' or even 'Islamic terrorist.' Acceptable alternatives include 'violent extremist' or just plan 'terrorist.'" This PC effort has led CAIR and other organizations to impose censorship on the popular TV show "24," with star Kiefer Sutherland reading a disclaimer stating that American Muslims reject terrorism.

CAIR has even been successful in forcing the conservative magazine National Review from withdrawing titles from its online bookstore that CAIR deems to be anti-Muslim. The "Mafia" part of the book's title is justified by Sperry and Glaubatz by the emulation of CAIR and its interconnected groups of the original Sicilian version. Instead of hanging out in strip clubs and butcher shops, the often well-educated -- many with medical and academic doctorates -- radical Islamists hang out in mosques and elaborate facilities like the ISNA compound in the Indianapolis suburb of Plainfield, IN. Sperry and Glaubatz provide:

* New evidence that CAIR was launched in 1995 to support the Hamas terrorist group and has transferred tens of thousands of dollars to a group recently convicted as Hamas' top fundraising arm in the U.S.

* Internal documents showing CAIR -- despite claims of cooperating with law enforcement -- actively works behind the scenes to mislead and deceive the FBI on behalf of terrorism suspects and has even cultivated Muslim moles inside law enforcement who have tipped off FBI terror targets.

* Documents showing how CAIR and its sister fronts are funded by foreign Muslim Brotherhood sources. Just over two years ago, I reviewed a book titled “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” by John F. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.


The book essentially said that the pro-Israel lobby in the U.S. -- centering on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), but including other influential Jewish groups, Christian fundamentalists, media commentators and neoconservatives – works against the foreign policies of the U.S. by kowtowing to Israel. Maybe it's time for Mearsheimer and Walt to follow the lead of Sperry and Glaubatz and examine the Muslim lobby in the U.S., starting with CAIR.

Don't hold your breath waiting for such a study. It will appear about the same time that Jimmy Carter says nice things about Israel! In the meantime, "Muslim Mafia" has enough documented facts to show the dangers we face from radical Islamists and the government officials and elected representatives who kowtow to them.

About the Authors P. David Gaubatz, a former federal agent, is a U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist and counterterrorism specialist who has held the U.S. government's highest security clearances.

Paul Sperry, a media fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution, is former Washington bureau chief for Investor's Business Daily, and author of "Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington."

For updates and to view other documents detailed in the book, visit:

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