Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Frantzman in MEQ, review of "Israel and the Family of Nations"

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and the Family of Nations
The Jewish
Nation-State and Human Rights

by Alexander Yakobson and Amnon
London and New York: Routledge, 2008. 256 pp. $140
Buy this book at Amazon

by Seth J. Frantzman

Middle East Quarterly
2009, pp. 81-83

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It is one of the great shames of the modern
world that there is still a question as to whether Israel has a right to
exist in its present form or any form at all. Despite the relative
insecurity of the country militarily, this problem was absent during the
first twenty years of Israel's existence. The actual threat to Israel's
survival by the Arab armies meant that on an intellectual and
international level there were fewer calls for its destruction, at least
outside of the Arab and Muslim world. With the exception of some radical
voices in the West, such as historian Arnold Toynbee's 1961 comparison
of Israel to Nazi Germany, there were relatively few intellectuals in
the West that called for the destruction of Israel or attempted to
undermine its foundations as a Jewish, democratic state.

Recent years have seen a rise in academic
circles and student movements throughout the Western world of a general
cultural shift against the existence of Israel. From the ivory tower, a
constant stream of relatively unscholarly and angry works have been
issued by such academics and writers as Noam Chomsky, Tony Judt, and
Edward Said, some calling for a bi-national state, a code word for the
abolition of Israel. But the fringe, consisting of such works as
Jonathan Cook's Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and
the Plan to Remake the Middle East
[1] and Alan Hart's Zionism: The Real Enemy of the
,[2] is bolstered by a
constant assault by some within international organizations, such as the
U.N.'s special envoy Robert Serry and the U.N. Human Rights Council's
Richard Falk, who have openly denounced Israel.

In response, recent years have seen the
publication of several popular works such as Alan Dershowitz's Case
for Israel
[3] and Yaacov
Lazowick's Right to Exist.[4]
These follow in the footsteps of Chaim Herzog's Who Stands Accused:
Israel Answers Its Critic
.[5] But
there has been a gap in robust academic refutations of the accusations
against Israel. Yakobson and Rubinstein's Israel and the Family of
is a brilliant effort to fill that gap.

Yakobson, a lecturer in the humanities at the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has lectured and written on such diverse
themes as elections in the Roman republic, European academic boycotts of
Israel, and Israeli democracy. Rubinstein, a much better known figure in
Israel, has a doctorate from the London School of Economics and was the
dean of faculty and professor of law at Tel Aviv University. Currently
he is the provost and dean of the Radzyner School of Law at the
Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. In addition he has served in a
variety of capacities in the Israeli government, including that of
minister of education from 1993-96. Most importantly, for any book that
defends Israel, Rubinstein is a respected man of the Left. Given his
credentials as a leading member of the dovish and leftist political
party, Meretz, he is in an excellent position to defend the country on
moral and intellectual grounds.

The methodology of Israel and the Family
of Nations
is not dramatically different from Dershowitz's attempt
to defend Israel by providing a case by case examination of the
accusations against it. This is, at one and the same time, a strength
and weakness of the book. While it is absolutely necessary to defend
Israel based on the accusations against the country, it also gives the
accusations greater substance and means that the authors must present
the entire research as a refutation. But none of this would be necessary
in a world that accorded Israel the same rights and responsibilities
that other nations are accorded, and this is the central point the
authors are trying to make.

Yakobson and Rubinstein provide readers with
six chapters devoted to answering five questions or responding to five
accusations: Can Israel be both Jewish and truly democratic? Is the
Israeli law of return unique? Is the nexus between Israel and the Jewish
diaspora an exceptional one? How can a nation-state be a state of all
its citizens? Along the way the authors discuss more extreme libels
against the Jewish people and Israel such as the idea that the Jews are
not a people at all or that Israel is a "colonialist" state.

Israel and the Family of Nations
begins by addressing the U.N. partition plan passed on November 29,
1947. The authors have chosen to begin here not only because this is the
plan that led to the creation of Israel but also to show that "the
debate that has gained momentum in recent years over the legitimacy of
Israel's definition as a Jewish state usually ignores a basic fact: The
'Jewish State' is what the international community decided to establish
in 1947." Here the reader is introduced to intrigues behind the U.N.
vote and the way in which it established the legal basis for the
existence of Israel.

In recent years, it has become common for
mainstream commentators and professors to accuse Israel of being a
"colonialist European" state whose origins are in the "bad old days" of
colonialism and which must thus be destroyed the way other colonial
"settler" regimes were destroyed, such as in Algeria. Yakobson and
Rubinstein note that "to label something 'colonialist' is to imply that
it lacks all legitimacy." Here the authors correctly note that the
Zionist movement as a national movement was unique and that its
relationship with the British government, rather than being an arm of
that government, distinguishes it from other European colonial attempts.
Unlike other colonies where Europeans from the mother country sent
settlers to the colony, the Zionist settlers were not from the mother
country and represented an independent, national movement sometimes
allied with and sometimes at odds with the colonizing power.

The second theme of the book, and probably
the most important and original section of it, deals with the question
of whether Israel can be both a Jewish and a democratic state. It also
deals with the question of the rights of the Arab minority and whether
the definition of the country as a Jewish nation-state with a Star of
David on the flag and a national anthem that speaks of a "Jewish soul"
can truly represent them. Here Yakobson and Rubinstein are at their
finest, reaching a crescendo by providing nineteen pages of examples
from constitutions throughout the world that not only speak of
nation-states with a state religion and ethnicity but also speak of
special rights for diasporas. The reader is faced with the weight of
facts showing that numerous countries throughout the world, in totality
probably the majority, share many things in common with Israel. Whether
it is Armenia's relations with its diaspora or the position of the
Catholic church in Latin America, one sees clearly that Israel is not
unique and that attempts by scholars, activists, and international
organizations to label Israel as ipso facto an anachronism, a "racist"
state that is based on ethnicity and religion and therefore undemocratic
and out of step with history, are simply based on ignorance.

Israel and the Family of Nations is a
timely and necessary book. It is scholarly but accessible and should
provide a basis for intelligent debate about Israel and for defending
its institutions and foundations.

Seth J. Frantzman is a doctoral
candidate in historical geography at the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem. He writes a column for The Jerusalem Post. He blogs

[1] London: Pluto Press, 2008.
[2] London: World Focus Publishing, 2005.
[3] Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2004.
[4] New York: Doubleday, 2003.
[5] New York: Random House, 1978.

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