Sunday, November 1, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals
The Stories Behind the News

Link to Sultan Knish

Where Have All Our War Heroes Gone?

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 05:45 PM PDT

Today Barack Hussein Obama is a million times more famous than
Jeremy Glick, Todd Beamer or any of the other Flight 93 passengers who
rushed the cockpit and prevented the terrorists from using their plane as a
guided missile. He is more famous than any of the firefighters, NYPD and
PAPD police officers, as well as civilians who tried to save lives during
the attacks of 9/11. He is of course vastly more famous than any of the
soldiers who have died over the last eight years fighting terrorism.

In Israel, the preparations are underway for the
annual Rabin commemorations. The former Prime Minister is not being
remembered for his shelling of a ship full of Jewish refugees and arms
being brought in by Nationalist Zionists. He is not being remembered for
his Six Day War heroism, which consisted him of having a nervous breakdown
and then having a helmet plopped on his head for that famous Jerusalem
photo, incidentally a photo that conservative general, Rehavam Ze'evi, who
would later be murdered by the same terrorists that Rabin helped bring
into Israel, is routinely cropped out of. No, Rabin is remembered signing
the disastrous Oslo accords with Arafat, turning over a sizable portion of
Israel to terrorists, and creating a disaster that has cost the lives of a
great number of Israelis in the process. Naturally Rabin is remembered as
a hero, and is vastly more famous than of the soldiers and civilians
murdered because of his policies.

And that in sum total is the
problem with the world today. Our cultural heroes are not the people who
fight evil or save lives, but who pimp appeasement in the name of peace.
Every insipid quote from them about non-violence is repeated and savored,
treated as a great insight into how we should all live. It doesn't matter
whether their actual lives bore any resemblance to their fictional lives.

In real life Gandhi was a sadistic hypocrite who flirted with Nazi
and Japanese occupations, viciously abused his wife and children, endorsed
Apartheid so long as it excluded his fellow Indians and casually flipped
from moralizing about extremes of non-violence, to endorsing even the most
brutal butchery if it accomplished his political ends. That of course is
not the Gandhi we know. The Gandhi we know is a saint of peace, an apostle
of appeasement whose virtues are used as a model for urging us to never
respond with force to the people who want to kill us.

Let us go
back to America for a moment. Which American leader has an entire holiday
dedicated in his name? Martin Luther King, who delivered the following

"Perhaps the more difficult but no less necessary task
is to speak for those who have been designated as our enemies. What of
the National Liberation Front -- that strangely anonymous group we call
VC or Communists? What must they think of us in America when they
realize that we permitted the repression and cruelty of Diem which
helped to bring them into being as a resistance group in the south? What
do they think of our condoning the violence which led to their own
taking up of arms? How can they believe in our integrity when now we
speak of "aggression from the north" as if there were nothing more
essential to the war? How can they trust us when now we charge them with
violence after the murderous reign of Diem and charge them with violence
while we pour every new weapon of death into their land? Surely we must
understand their feelings even if we do not condone their actions.
Surely we must see that the men we supported pressed them to their
violence. Surely we must see that our own computerized plans of
destruction simply dwarf their greatest acts... And they are surely
right to wonder what kind of new government we plan to help form without
them -- the only party in real touch with the peasants. "

Had the speech been penned in the halls of the Kremlin, it
could hardly have been written any differently. And yet Martin Luther King
has his own holiday, while the numberless American soldiers of every race
and creed who died in Vietnam, remain anonymous except for a list of names
on a wall.

And so it goes as we reward those who speak about peace
and counsel appeasement. We speak about them fighting for peace, when in
truth those who fight for peace are those who pick up a rifle and stand in
defense of their country against those who would destroy, enslave and
oppress. They exploit freedom to urge a surrender to those who would take
away that very freedom they abuse.

The West has embraced appeasement as its cultural model, and it
is a process that has been underway for some time. American 19th century
liberals who had become very enthusiastic about war before the Civil War,
embraced anti-war activism denouncing every conflict America entered into.
In Europe the senselessness of WW1 turned it into a convenient model for
reducing every war as another conflict between capitalists and
imperialists, an attitude that nearly turned over most of Europe to
Hitler, all but for England bringing in Churchill at the last minute to do
the dirty work of war, and then giving him the boot once he was done, to
make way for the work of building the socialist utopia.

In Israel
Rabin's assassination helped create a convenient icon that elevates the
death of one single man, over the deaths of all caused by his policies. It
is as if Chamberlain had been shot to death, and Labor had gone on
treating his death as a vindication of his policies even with German
troops running wild across the countryside. That is literally the
situation in Israel, as everyone from politicians to schoolchildren on
down will be lectured sonorously on the great virtues of peace as embodied
by a man who destroyed Israel's security and created its greatest
crisis... in exchange for a Nobel Peace Prize.

This flavor of
leftist lunacy epitomizes just how appeasement has become embodied as the
modern political virtue of virtues... despite endless examples to the
contrary. The great modern heroes imposed on us are the men who chose to
give up, to wave the white flag in the name of peace or whatever
collection of trite virtues about love, togetherness and amity that their
speechwriters could cobble together on short notice.

But while a
decadent culture may reward pacifists and appeasers with golden thrones
and laurels, at least after death, the real world does not. In the real
world, Obama's Afghan policy is faltering badly, because soft power is
just a fancy way of saying indecisive. Ahmadinejad and Chavez are playing
the Great Leader like a cheap deck of cards and the world is laughing at
us. In the real world, agreements with the VC meant the submergence of
Vietnam beneath the boot of a Communist tyranny. In the real world,
shaking hands with Hitler and Stalin meant agreeing to the mass murder of
millions and the tyranny of hundreds of millions. In the real world
shaking hands with Arafat meant shaking hands with terrorism. And in the
real world the much ballyhooed ideas, the stirring quotes that coat a
sugary layer over the reality of embracing evil, are a suicide pill for

Let us stop venerating the appeasers and stop treating the
Gandhis, Rabins, Kings, Chamberlains and Obamas as heroes. They are not
heroes. Speaking about peace is not heroism and fighting for peace does
mean delivering a well written speech absolutely detached from the hard
realities of the world. Heroism is not about expressing ideas that others
will have to die for because there will be no one left to defend them.
Heroism is not found by surrendering to evil, by leaving your nation naked
to those who would murder, torture and enslave your citizens. Heroism is
found in resisting them. Death is not proof of heroism. Many men have died
and the worms have eaten their bones. Dying in defense of others is
heroism and it is the common virtue that unites our true heroes, who
rushed into burning buildings, manned tanks and machine gun posts in the
face of overwhelming opposition, and fought back even when appeasement and
the sweet song of peace seemed easier by far.

Ir is time to reject
the obscene lie that claims that a well written speech about non-violence
is nobler and more worthy of note and remembrance than that lonely soldier
in the fog waiting for the enemy to come.

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