Friday, November 6, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals
The Stories Behind the News

Link to Sultan Knish

Brief Update: Fort Hood Shooter's Former Imam had Terrorist Ties

Posted: 05 Nov 2009 09:21 PM PST

Hasan attended prayers regularly when he lived outside
Washington, often in his Army uniform, said Faizul Khan, a former imam
at a mosque Hasan attended in Silver Spring, Md. He said Hasan Malik
was a lifelong Muslim.

"I got the impression that he was a
committed soldier," Khan said. He spoke often with Hasan about Hasan's
desire for a wife...

Nothing stood out about Hasan as radical
or extremist, Khan said.

"We hardly ever got to discussing
politics," Khan said. "Mostly we were discussing religious matters,
nothing too controversial, nothing like an

Was Khan doing nothing more than talking to Hassan about
his wife hunt?

Faizul Khan is
just some
Imam. He is on the board of directors of ISNA, the Islamic
Society of North America. ISNA's links to terrorist
extensive and well known

Society of North America
is a
Wahhabi Islamist group
co-created by Sami Al Arian, of the
Palestinian Arab terrorist group, Islamic Jihad.

Islam scholar Stephen Schwartz describes ISNA as "one
of the chief conduits through which the radical Saudi form of Islam
passes into the United States."

According to terrorism expert
Steven Emerson, ISNA "is a radical group hiding under a false veneer
of moderation"; "convenes annual conferences where Islamist militants
have been given a platform to incite violence and promote hatred" (for
instance, al Qaeda supporter and PLO official Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi was
invited to speak at an ISNA conference); has held fundraisers for
terrorists (after Hamas leader Mousa Marzook was arrested and
eventually deported in 1997, ISNA raised money for his defense); has
condemned the U.S. government's post-9/11 seizure of Hamas' and
Palestinian Islamic Jihad's financial assets; and publishes a
bi-monthly magazine, Islamic Horizons, that "often champions militant
Islamist doctrine."

Adds Emerson: "I think ISNA has been an
umbrella, also a promoter of groups that have been involved in
terrorism. I am not going to accuse the ISNA of being directly
involved in terrorism. I will say ISNA has sponsored extremists,
racists, people who call for Jihad against the United

Emerson further reports that "In September 2002, a
full year after the 9/11 attacks, speakers at ISNA's annual conference
still refused to acknowledge Bin Laden's role in the terrorist

That's who we're playing with here and Faizul Khan is not
just a member, he's on the Board of Directors and held down a major
Saudi funded mosque in Washington. Khan was also the Administrator and
Assistant Director of Rabita, the Muslim World League.

Muslim World League is one of the larger Saudi funded Islamist

MWL promotes Wahhabism, the extremist form of Islam
practiced in Saudi Arabia. In the 1980s, the League's Pakistan office
was run by Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, a senior member of the Muslim
Brotherhood and brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden. Khalifa was the
co-founder of the Benevolence International Foundation and he helped
to finance Operation Bojinka, a foiled 1995 plot that would have
simultaneously detonated bombs aboard eleven U.S.-bound airliners,
blowing them up in mid-flight over the Pacific Ocean and the South
China Sea.

In addition, two members of an al Qaeda sleeper cell
based in Boston worked at MWL's Pakistan office. One worker, Nabil
al-Marabh, number 27 on the FBI's list of wanted terrorists, was
arrested by federal agents in Detroit shortly after 9/11; it was
reported that he "intended to martyr himself in an attack against the
United States." The other operative, Raed Hijazi, was apprehended and
tried in Jordan on charges that he planned to blow up a hotel filled
with Americans and Israelis on New Year's Eve in 2000.

In his
book The Two Faces of Islam, Stephen Schwartz reports: "In 2000, the
Muslim World League (a provider of funds to Osama bin Laden) hosted
100 prominent American Islamic personalities on hajj [a pilgrimmage to
Mecca]. They were accompanied by a delegation of 60 Latin American
'academics and specialists.' All expenses for the latter were paid by
Prince Bandar, Saudi ambassador to the United

After all this it's certainly possible that Faizul Khan
and Hassan Malik did nothing but chat about Hassan's search for a wife,
but considering the overview of the kind of extreme Wahhabi groups we're
dealing with here, it is entirely possible that Imams like Khan helped
shape Hassan Malik's
Islamist worldview
. Especially since it dates back to his time in
Maryland, rather than being the product of army frustrations, as the
media spin is attempting to portray it as.

Nidal Hassan
had written online

Scholars have paralled this to suicide bombers whose
intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by
killing enemy soldiers. If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy
soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a
strategic victory. Their intention is not to die because of some
despair. The same can be said for the Kamikazees in Japan. They died
(via crashing their planes into ships) to kill the enemies for the
homeland. You can call them crazy i you want but their act was not one
of suicide that is despised by Islam. So the scholars main point is

One wonders who exactly those scholars were.

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