Sunday, November 1, 2009

Honor Killings All Over America

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

Honor Killings All Over America

Why Are the Islamists Suddenly Silent?

by Phyllis Chesler

Pajamas Media

November 1, 2009

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Last week, the Iraqi father who drove a two ton jeep over his daughter in Arizona for being "too westernized" high-tailed it out of town, drove down to Mexico where he abandoned his vehicle and caught a flight to London. UK Port of Entry authorities denied him entry, contacted US authorities and placed him back on a plane to the US. Almaleki was arrested when his plane landed in Atlanta, then returned to Arizona where he now sits in jail.

"Agencies involved included the US Marshalls Office, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the FBI, Arizona Department of Public Safety, officials in the United Kingdom, and officials from the Nogales and Sonora, Mexico Police."

Hurrah for the combined law enforcement heroes in action.

What's missing from the coverage (at least so far) is the usual Islamist spin. No hard-line representative of the Islamic community is insisting that this was not an "honor killing" or that if it was, it has nothing to do with Islam or with Muslims. That's it's a typical 'teenage" thing or a typical case of domestic violence.

Read the complete original version of this item...

Related Topics: Honor Killings

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