Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Judge orders documents returned to CAIR

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Judge Orders Return of “Muslim Mafia” Documents

CAIR Desperate to Sweep the Facts Under the Rug!

Why Our Petition Is SO IMPORTANT !!!

CAIR is trying desperately to prevent the further public release of documents related to the astonishing revelations contained in the blockbuster new book, Muslim Mafia. (See WorldNetDaily story below).

What is notable is that CAIR has made no attempt thus far, either legally or otherwise, to dispute the book’s revelations or allege defamation by the authors.

Last night we held a conference call attended by 100 of our chapter leaders, explaining to them why our petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR is so vitally important.

Here’s the bottom line. CAIR hopes to survive this crisis by sweeping the facts under the rug and relying on its allies in government and the media to stand by it.

Without a sustained and organized effort from the grassroots to push this into the public spotlight, CAIR might well succeed.

That’s why, if you haven’t done so already, we urge you to sign our petition today — and forward it to everyone you know. CAIR hopes you don’t take action, because without your voice its chances of surviving this crisis increase.

When you sign our petition, rest assured, your contact information is absolutely secure, hosted by a data management company that maintains state-of-the-art security protocols.

Rest assured, we do not rent, share, sell or give any information about our members or those who sign our petitions to other organizations or companies.

The only information we will include in the petition we deliver is your name and state.

The petition is only our first step in raising the profile of CAIR’s misdeeds. Will the petition succeed in securing a government investigation? There are no guarantees.

But if we don’t take action, we can virtually guarantee there will be no government investigation or action. And if we don’t take action, we can also guarantee there will not be sufficient grassroots pressure to bring CAIR’s dirty laundry to light.

There’s a reason you haven’t seen any major media TV coverage of the revelations in Muslim Mafia. It is imperative that we ignite a grassroots uprising so that, in time, some in the media and some leaders in government will have to take notice.

So please, sign the petition today. We need every ACT! for America member to respond. This is that important.


Judge orders: Return 'Muslim Mafia' docs

Incriminating material obtained in probe of CAIR's connection to Islamic terrorism

Posted: November 03, 2009

9:46 pm Eastern

By Art Moore

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

CAIR's national headquarters, three blocks from the U.S. Capitol

A federal judge in Washington today ordered a co-author of the book "Muslim Mafia" and his son to return internal documents, recordings and records obtained in a six-month undercover operation of the Council on American-Islamic Relationsthat presented further evidence of the D.C.-based group's ties to terrorism.

Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly granted CAIR's request for a temporary restraining order barring P. David Gaubatz and his son, Chris Gaubatz, from further use or publication of the material and demanding that they return it to the Muslim group's lawyers by midnight Nov. 18.

Kollar-Kotelly – who as head of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court made several controversial decisions against the Bush administration's counter-terrorism policies – was criticized recently by many security experts for ruling against the military's designation of a Guantanamo detainee as an enemy combatant, allowing the Obama administration to send him home.

But Daniel Horowitz, one of the attorneys representing the Gaubatzes, said it's important to look at both sides of the judge.

"She is extremely intelligent and a strong supporter of the First Amendment," he said.

Get "Muslim Mafia," autographed, from WND's Superstore

CAIR's restraining order accompanied a lawsuit in which the Islamic group alleged Chris Gaubatz, who served as an unpaid volunteer for CAIR, obtained access to the group's property under false pretenses and removed the internal documents and made recordings of officials and employees "without any consent or authorization and in violation of his contractual, fiduciary and other legal obligations to CAIR."

David Gaubatz told WND that CAIR's legal moves have been anticipated, and some of the court's order already has been fulfilled as material has been turned over to law enforcement officials.

"I do look forward to bringing all the evidence to court," he said. "Courts are a two-way system."

Gaubatz contended the research described in his book "was conducted professionally and legally."

"CAIR executives know this, and I can tell the American people that since I have worked with CAIR executives personally – in law enforcement training in Texas – executives such as Nihad Awad, Ibrahim Hooper and (North Carolina state) Senator Larry Shaw are fighting amongst themselves, because they know everything mentioned in 'Muslim Mafia' is true.

"The last thing they want is more evidence of their ties to terrorists before our courts," Gaubatz said.

Gaubatz told WND yesterday the research was "funded by a high profile U.S. organization with very close ties to senior law enforcement and U.S. government officials."

Gaubatz said he cannot name the group now, but noted it is not SANE, the Society of Americans for National Existence, as widely believed.

"This organization is very professional, and every step of the research was coordinated with their legal team and senior personnel," he said. "From the very onset of the research, our researchers observed intelligence in CAIR documents which appeared to be national security concerns."

CAIR is seeking punitive damages for trespass, breach of contract, conversion and breach of fiduciary duty.

In Gaubatz's book,
"Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," published by WND Books, he and co-author Paul Sperry present first-hand evidence CAIR is acting as a front for a well-funded conspiracy of the Muslim Brotherhood – the parent of al-Qaida and Hamas – to infiltrate the American system and help pave the way for Saudi-style Islamic law to rule the U.S.

In the lawsuit, however, CAIR, a self-described Muslim civil-rights group, does not defend itself against the book's claims.

The FBI cut off ties to CAIR in January after the group was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case in Texas, the largest terrorism-finance case in U.S. history. Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York and other senators have called for a government-wide ban on CAIR.

'Wall of separation'

In July, Kollar-Kotelly ruled a Kuwaiti detainee at Guantanamo captured in Afghanistan in 2002, Khalid Al Mutairi, had been unlawfully detained as an enemy combatant. The habeas corpus ruling led to the Obama administration's decision in October to transfer Al Mutairi to his home country.

Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly

Kollar-Kotelly, appointed to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by President Clinton in 1997, was chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the FISA court, from 2002 until this year.

She was among the judges who moved to rebuild the "wall of separation" between criminal investigators and intelligence agents cited by the 9/11 commission as a factor in the failure to detect the 9/11 plot,
notes counter-terrorism expert and former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy. The rebuilding effort, however, was overruled by the FISA Court of Review in 2002.

Kollar-Kotelly also was a chief critic of the Bush administration's warrantless-surveillance program that targeted communications between terrorists in the U.S. and abroad. In 2005, she ruled enemy combatants were entitled to counsel, at taxpayers' expense, to challenge their detention.

WND is defending David and Chris Gaubatz against the CAIR lawsuit and has established a legal defense fund.


ACT for America

P.O. Box 12765

Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

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