Thursday, April 15, 2010

Obama and His Administration Lament America’s Superpower Status

Obama and His Administration Lament America’s Superpower Status

2010 April 14

From Lori Ziganto’s latest article at RedState:

Yesterday at his nuclear conference, Obama said the following (via Gateway Pundit):

Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.”

Whether we like it or not. That’s like what Mommies say when telling you to eat your yucky vegetables. Would he prefer that we be vulnerable and weak? Heck of an American Can-Do attitude, Barry!

It is, of course, being spun by those who still insist that we need to be above it all as “Oh, he meant we are drawn into conflicts due to being a superpower.” While perhaps true, one need only look to Obama’s associations and his very actions to see what he truly meant and what he believes.

Obama does not believe in American Exceptionalism and he is actively pursuing its decline. There, I said it. He has surrounded himself with people who hold these same beliefs. Further proof is evidenced by a speech – to young students – that his Science Czar gave the other day.

The Obama administration’s top science and technology official, who has argued for the economic de-development of America, warned science students last Friday that the United States cannot expect to be “number one” forever. “We can’t expect to be number one in everything indefinitely,” Dr. John P. Holdren said at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

We can’t expect to be number one in everything indefinitely. Because that would be meany pants, I suppose. And “not fair.” This isn’t the first time John Holdren has espoused such views. In the video at the link, from 2007, Holdren argues for a redistribution of wealth achieved in part by green policies. Oh yeah, he also says that America isn’t really Exceptional. I suppose everything that America has done as the greatest source for good in the World has really been a ruse perpetrated by nefarious racist, evil mongers. Or dum-dum crackers. I can’t really keep straight which one we are supposed to be. I’m also no longer sure if being called Un-American is an insult to the Left.

(See video and read the rest here)


Follow Lori on Twitter and read more of her work at Snark and Boobs, iOwntheWorld , Right Wing News and Red State.

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