Tuesday, July 20, 2010

07-20-10: It’s the NAACP That’s Racist, By Definition

Exclusive: CAIR – Hate, Hypocrisy and Lies

The Editor

CAIR is exploiting the race issue to attack the Tea Party movement, while also wrongly smearing Pamela Geller as a racist. If CAIR can moralize and condemn others, what is its own track record?


Exclusive: US National Security - A Flawed Strategy?

Peter Huessy

The Administration's National Security Strategy acknowledges global risks, but are its proposals really the wisest plans that could be followed at this time?

Exclusive: The Enemy of My Enemy...?

Michael Sall

A nuclear-armed Iran is too horrific to accept, but every day, nations allow that scenario to edge closer to reality. Weak sanctions enable its plans, so what options exist to challenge a nuclear-armed Iran?

Exclusive: Why Was This National Story Missed?

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

A gun-smuggler with a Muslim name who previously tried to smuggle guns to Lebanon, home of Hizballah, in a Muslim area renowned for its tolerance of terrorist group Hizballah, and the press ignores the story? Why?

It's the NAACP That's Racist, By Definition

Gregory D. Lee

When NAACP labeled the Tea Party movement as racist it showed its own hypocrisy. Is the tea party only representing whites, as NAACP only represents "colored people"? What motivated its decision?

Exclusive: Tea Party "Race" Issue Manipulated by the Media?

Lloyd Marcus

After NAACP's cheap slurs about racism, aimed at the Tea Party Movement, the same media that ignored Eric Holder and the New Black Panthers is now getting involved. Is this something to guard against?


Video: USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer
Frequent Muslim Speaker to Kids in New York Schools Supports Hamas, Hezbollah
California Establishes Day Honoring Reagan
'Sanctuary' is lawless and deadly
Video: President Sends Berwick Nomination to the Senate
Video: ‘Face the Nation' Host Didn't Ask Holder about Black Panther Case Because He ‘Just Didn't Know About It'
Elite colleges discriminate against white conservatives, Christians
Loyal Force: Animals at War
Video: Is Rick Santelli the Father of the Tea Party?

CAIR Joins NAACP To Target Tea Party Movement

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

Once again, CAIR tries to pretend that it is against racism. But why blame the Tea Party Movement? Is CAIR trying to draw attention away from its own bigotry and prejudice?

Why Haven't the Feds Treated the Oil Spill As A National Disaster?

James Carafano, PhD

When Katrina hit, back in 2005, there was a delay but the feds responded well. Now, faced with the oil spill, state agencies were ready to fight. Why has the administration been so lethargic?

For the Long Haul

Nancy Salvato

When roads become congested and small cars are uncomfortably pitched against larger SUVs and trucks, would this simple solution improve the comfort of driving, and also road safety?

Clean Energy Legislation- What's It Really About?

Paul Driessen

"Low carbon fuel standards" mean higher costs, few environmental benefits and less liberty. It is based on the unproven AGW myth. Why create new taxes when there's a recession?

You Must Love the EPA or Else!

Alan Caruba

Since its inception in 1970 the EPA has acted like Orwell's "Big Brother" - intruding into all areas of America's life. Who controls this undemocratic organization? Can it be stopped?

Why Is the Media Silent About Biden, Fined by FEC?

Jim Kouri, CPP

A story that should be in the mainstream media is vastly under-reported. Is this another sign that America's press, contradicting the First Amendment, is no longer "free"?

Quote of the Day - July 20, 2010

What was that about "All property is theft"?

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Clinton Vows the 'World Is With Afghanistan'

  2. Elena Kagan broke the law when she wouldn't allow military recruiters on Harvard Law School campus (HUMAN EVENTS)

  3. USDA Official, Shirley Sherrod Resigns After Inflammatory Anti White Speech

  4. Oil leaking into Gulf again; government, BP spar on fix

  5. British PM's visit to U.S. clouded by BP worries

  6. Why the silence from The Post on Black Panther Party story?

  7. President Obama appointee Dalia Mogahed “overwhelmingly” silent on pledge to stop threats against former Muslims’ human rights

  8. Insurers Push Plans That Limit Choice of Doctor

  9. Homebuilders losing confidence in the recovery

  10. Airport body scanners reveal all, but what about when it's your kid?

  11. Google's Wi-Spying and Intelligence Ties Prompt Call for Congressional Hearing

  12. New Laser Weapon Blasts Spy Drones Out of the Sky

  13. Mass. may join effort to bypass Electoral College

  14. MassCare mandates encourage employers to end health-care coverage

  15. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is “the mother of health care

  16. Lockerbie bomber: Cameron to discuss Megrahi's release with US senators

  17. Syria bans face veils at universities

  18. The terrorist lawyer's prison term is extended by nearly 8 years....(FRONT PAGE MAG)

  19. Pakistani Christians Accused of Blasphemy Killed After Mosque Incitement

  20. Talking to the Taliban: Late in the day

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