Friday, July 23, 2010

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

Link to Homeland Security News

Authorities Investigate String Of Bomb Scares in Chicago

Posted: 22 Jul 2010 09:55 PM PDT

Four bomb scares around Chicago in less than 24 hours. Are they connected? A suspicious package was left at the front door of the Planned Parenthood Center on North La Salle Thursday morning. “This is for all the doctors and what you do for women,” a note said. Inside the box: newspaper and a dead [...]

This story comes to us via Homeland
- National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted
source for
homeland security news
and information.

Authorities Investigate String Of Bomb Scares in Chicago

Flight Attendant Charged With Making Terroristic Threats

Posted: 22 Jul 2010 09:47 PM PDT

A flight attendant with a short fuse threatened to unleash jihad on American Airlines after it fired him for hurling a coffee pot at a stewardess, the feds charged yesterday. Rodney Lorenzo, 45, mailed letters to top airline executives with “Boom!!” written on the envelopes, a prosecutor said in Brooklyn federal court. They contained pages [...]

This story comes to us via Homeland
- National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted
source for
homeland security news
and information.

Flight Attendant Charged With Making Terroristic Threats

Senators Criticize Cuts in Anti-bioterrorism Funds

Posted: 22 Jul 2010 09:42 PM PDT

Seventeen senators have signed a letter denouncing an effort to cut billions in funds for drugs and vaccines intended to thwart bioterrorism. At issue is a House budget bill that would cut up to $2 billion from the Project BioShield special reserve fund to buy drugs and vaccines in the event of a biological attack. [...]

This story comes to us via Homeland
- National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted
source for
homeland security news
and information.

Senators Criticize Cuts in Anti-bioterrorism Funds

Gunbattles Paralyze Mexican City Across From Texas

Posted: 22 Jul 2010 09:38 PM PDT

Eight hit men were killed in a shootout with scores of soldiers in a mountainous area of northern Mexico, after gunfights virtually shut down a city on the Texas border, officials said Thursday. “A group of 100 soldiers and 60 drug traffickers clashed in the Tarahumara mountain range of northern Mexico, in a remote spot [...]

This story comes to us via Homeland
- National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted
source for
homeland security news
and information.

Gunbattles Paralyze Mexican City Across From Texas

Homegrown Terrorism Cause for Concern With Law Enforcement

Posted: 22 Jul 2010 09:27 PM PDT

Sources say a trend of radicalized citizens turning to terrorism represents an unprecedented spike in homegrown terror and is an emerging threat that has them deeply concerned. What they consider to be most alarming is the fact that many of those charged were radicalized on the Internet, with thousands of Americans reportedly frequenting terror websites [...]

This story comes to us via Homeland
- National Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted
source for
homeland security news
and information.

Homegrown Terrorism Cause for Concern With Law Enforcement

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