Monday, July 19, 2010

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"Stop the Ground Zero Mosque" Petitions

Posted: 18 Jul 2010 02:34 PM PDT

PLEASE SIGN the following petition to prevent the construction of the thirteen-story mosque, the Cordoba House (now apparently re-named Park51), proposed to be built two blocks from Ground Zero.

The petition was created by Robert Spencer of and Pamela Geller of Click here to sign: An Appeal to Imam Rauf and Daisy Khan to Withdraw Ground Zero Mosque.

The American Center for Law and Justice also has a petition. Sign here: NO Mosque at Ground Zero.

Brigitte Gabriel of has
also created a petition: We Oppose the Mosque at "Ground Zero." While you're signing petitions, why not click on the link and sign that one too?

And here's one more: No to the Mosque at Ground Zero.

For more information about this mosque proposal, watch these videos:

Interesting Developments Concerning the Mosque at Ground Zero

Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

Pat Condell on the Proposed Ground Zero Mosque

For more information about why mosques are good things to stop, read these:

A Concession That Should Not Be Granted

What's the Big Deal About Mosques?

Mosques as Symbols of Conquest and Dominance

The Wahhabi Invasion of America

The Mapping Sharia Project

Here's why signing petitions (and getting others to sign them) is a good idea:

Please Sign This Petition

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