Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10-06-10: Video: Oliver Stone: Sarah Palin’s a Moron, Know-Nothing; Compares Her to KKK


  2. Report: Taliban, Afghan Gov't Hold Talks to End War (AP)

  3. Green Beret to Receive Medal of Honor for Saving 22 Lives in Afghanistan (FOX)

  4. Musharraf: Pakistan backed militants in attacks on India (WT)

  5. Attack near British Embassy in Yemen (CNN)

  6. Terror Warnings: Be Specific Or Be Quiet (WA PO)

  7. Westboro Baptist Church to Defend Military Funeral Protests Before High Court (FOX)

  8. 3M Company Will Drop Retirees From Health Plans (Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal)

  9. 16 Foreign Oil Companies, Including BP, May Have Violated Iran Sanctions, According to Government Accountability Office (CNS)

  10. Dutch Trial Is Threat To Free Speech (IBD)

  11. Saudi prince accused in brutal murder of servant finds he's not above the law in Britain (JIHAD WATCH)

  12. Gov’t-Run Health Care Death Sentence in AZ: No More Liver Transplants for Hep-C Patients (CNS)

  13. Arrests In France Have Europe On Edge In Wake Of Terror Alert (CNN)

  14. U.S. Plans Law Enforcement 'Surge' On Trains (ABC)

  15. Defiant Terrorist, Faisal Shahzad, Pakistani Immigrant Who Tried To Bomb Times Square, Sentenced To Life (NYDN)


Video: Oliver Stone: Sarah Palin's a Moron, Know-Nothing; Compares Her to KKK
Geert Wilders - Trial - Day 3 - Dutch court rejects Wilders push to remove biased judge
Video: Krauthammer talks with O'Reilly about the Radical Muslim Cleric
Video: Fraudulent Claims Slow Down BP Payments
White House Solar Installation Symbolic of Solar Energy Push
Video: Tax Hikes Not Needed To Balance Budget
Video: Wife Calling on Administration to Intervene in Search for ‘Victim' in Alleged Pirate Attack
ANDREA LAFFERTY: Former Slave of Islam Seeks Meeting with President

'What Do We Do Now?'

Frank Hill

Once the shrill and vacuous electioneering has ended, the needs of the nation should be addressed. Aren't these issues more important than political point-scoring?

A Page From Andy Griffith's Diary

Peter Gadiel

A glimpse at what Andy Griffith may have written in his diary about his real views on Obamacare. Warning: satire ahead....

The Left is All About Confusion

Gabriel Garnica, Esq.

Progressives proclaim "equality" but sabotage the equality of opportunity, freedom, diversity and individualism that made America great.

Needed: Conservative Statism, Not Anarchy

William R. Hawkins

Loose rhetoric about "limited government" is misleading. Conservatives need government too, just one that uses its powers for good rather than evil.

Iranian Incursion

Peter Brookes

Latin America is attracting the attention of Iran. Hugo Chavez has long been courted by Iran's leader, but the theocratic regime is also interested in Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Afpak Issues Remain The Center of Obama's Foreign Policy Storm

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

The escalating insurgent activity in Afghanistan and Pakistan diverts attention but more needs to be done to secure a good relationship with key partner India.

A Summary of Certain Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Otto Sorensen

Otto Sorensen

On July 21 this year, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed into law. What this will mean for most citizens? A lawyer explains....

The Two Faces of Michelle Obama

Michelle Malkin

The first lady attempts a fine balancing act, attempting to be the champion of the poor on the one hand, and on the other, living it up with the rich liberal elites, looking for donors.

President Donates $100 Billion to the United Nations

Paul Williams, PhD

As unemployment lines grow and the National Debt approaches 13.6 TRILLION dollars, the administration has decided to give a large donation to the United Nations.

Kilimanjaro Diary: Day One, The Journey Out

Tom Mullikin

This is the first of continuing diary of one man's lone trip to climb and explore Mount Kilimanjaro in East Africa.

***Caption Contest: Top Entries - October 6, 2010***

And the winner is...

Quote of the Day - October 6, 2010

The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood.

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