Monday, October 11, 2010

10-11-10: Terrorist Trials for Radicals (Plus: School to get Muslim holiday)


  1. U.S. School system to get Muslim holiday

  2. Afghanistan must embrace women's rights (by Laura Bush)

  3. Error by trial: Very first

    Guantanamo case in civilian court is an instant disaster

  4. Video: Kim Jong Il and Son Appear Together at a Massive Military Parade

  5. Video: Maher: Bin Laden ‘Gets’ Global Warming Better Than Republicans

  6. Judge Again Asks Courtroom to Say Pledge after Jailing Lawyer for Refusing


The Dissolution of America

Robert Weissberg

Is America going to continue as a coherent nation state into the next century? Or are forces already starting to divide it?

Why Do Radical Muslims Want to Kill Europeans?

Khaled Abu Toameh

The Europeans need to understand that their support for Arabs in general and the Palestinians in particular will not help them avoid "punishment" by radical Muslims.

What Is Islam?

Amil Imani

Literal and traditional Islam seems incompatible with democracy. Freedom of speech is just about non-existent in Islam and this is a source of cultural and political tension.

Lied to by the Portland Maine District Attorney?

Gadi Adelman

Portland, Maine, a Muslim boy set off a chemical bomb. After 2 weeks of investigating, more information suggests the authorities may have lied from the start.

Dirty Bombs: A Day Late And A Dollar Short

Dr. James Blair, DPA, MHA, FACHE, FABCHS

The concerns about a dirty bomb (RDD or Radiological Dispersion Device) are all too real. Even the administration acknowledges that America is unprepared for such an attack.

Terrorist Trials for Radicals

Andrew McCarthy

The Obama administration is taking an Alinskyite approach to the prosecution of Ahmed Ghailani.

Charles Enderlin Promotes the al Dura Issue in Book Form

Nidra Poller

Video of the Mohammed al Dura shooting video was used as propaganda by anti-Zionists. Even though many believe the video was a hoax, its propaganda is now in book form.

Echoes of 1930s Germany?

Alan Caruba

Many people have tried to compare the current situation in America to 1930s Germany. Such comparisons are way off the mark.

New York Times Defending Illegal Alien Criminals

Gregory D. Lee

The NYT criticizes a federal program that ensures arrested individuals have their migration status checked and, if illegal, are handed to ICE for deportation.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Hezbollah urges mass turnout for Ahmadinejad (BREITBART)

  2. 'Green' red tape said to hinder Border Patrol (WT)

  3. Report: College Dropouts Cost Taxpayers Billions (FOX)

  4. The Jobless Rate Has Been At Or Above 9.5 Percent for 14 Months, The Longest Stretch Since The Great Depression (AP)

  5. New York Still Hasn’t Mailed Out Absentee Ballots To All Its 320,000 Military Servicemen (FOX)

  6. Taliban meetings all talk, no action (WT)

  7. George Soros warns China of global 'currency war' (TELEGRAPH UK)

  8. Al-Qaida in North Africa seen as key Europe threat (AP)

  9. The New York Times swings its hatchet at Pamela Geller (and misses) (JIHAD WATCH)

  10. ICE Doesn't Want to be TRAC'd (AT)

Keep Scrolling

Their Interests, Not Parties'

Salena Zito

One thing seems to be emerging from the heartland - this year, many people will be voting on issues related to their own needs, and not the needs of the parties.

Former U.S. Prosecutor Speaks of his Prison Ordeal

Leslie Dutton

Richard Fine was never charged or convicted of a crime yet he spent 18 months in jail due to the vindictive actions of a California judge. Hear him tell of his time in prison.

US Physics Professor: 'Global Warming is Pseudoscientific Fraud'

James Delingpole

A leading physics professor resigns, saying Global Warming is a "scam," and "the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist."

Quote of the Day - October 11, 2010

Young America and the Old Fogies.....

Glenn Beck, Cecil Rhodes and The Fabians

William R. Hawkins

Glenn Beck's history strands on his show are entertaining. On a recent show however, he made some claims about Cecil Rhodes that were way off the mark.

Peggy Noonan on Receiving Journalism Award from Medal of Honor Society

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

At the recent Medal of Honor convention in Charleston, South Carolina, journalist and former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan delivered a rousing speech....

Keep Scrolling

Dictators, Si - Republicans, No!

Star Parker

Why do "liberals" have such double standards? How can someone condemn black conservatives while defending a murderous Cuban dictator?

Environmental injustice en Espanol

Rev. Sam Rodriguez

Liberal Latino pressure groups' campaign will drive up energy prices, kill jobs and hurt families.

The Punishment of Women: Death by Fire

Nancy Kobrin, PhD, Joan Lachkar, PhD

The corporal punishment of women is sanctioned in the Koran (4:34) but never to the scale that it is meted out in some Islamic countries, where women can be burned alive.

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