Friday, October 15, 2010

10-15-10: Islamic Organizations Mount Campaign Against Planned Construction Of Mother Teresa Church


1. Islamic Organizations Have Mounted A Campaign Against The Planned Construction Of Mother Teresa Catholic Church
2. Video: Whoopi & Joy Behar Storm Off 'View' Set After Bill O'Reilly Fight about Ground Zero Mosque
3. Why courts should gut ObamaCare law: By Betsy McCaughey
4. Challenge Of Health Law Can Continue: Justice Defense Hit By Judge
5. Video: Ahmadinejad To Hezbollah: "Bring Defeat To The Zionists"
6. Video: Dennis Miller Spars with Jesse Ventura and His 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

BREAKING: New Taliban Threat Feared in U.S. After Failed NYC Plot

"[We] don't know who it is and don't know where it is," one source said. "We know the guy's here, but don't know anything about him." Based on the intelligence, authorities believe the Pakistani Taliban, also known as Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, would have directed the individual to attempt another Times Square-style operation, but not necessarily in New York City...

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Campaign Donations, 'Shady Sources' & The Lies of the Left

Frank Salvato

The Tea Party was set up as a response to liars, thieves and cheats. Recent political games have given them many things to take issue with.

Thirty Reasons You Should Support Illegal Immigration and Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Peter Gadiel

Can you think of better reasons to support illegal immigration?

Iran's Islamic Justice Is a Message to the World

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Sharia is never about true justice, only about reinforcing a repressive and totalitarian status quo. Iran's vile treatment of women exposes sharia for what it really is.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Fla. Judge Rules 20 States Can Sue to Block ObamaCare (REUTERS)

  2. US: Ahmadinejad's visit insult to Lebanese sovereignty (JPOST)

  3. Tracing Islamist/Leftist Terror Connections Following Minnesota FBI Raid (PAJAMAS)

  4. Al-Qaeda: Ram cars into crowds for Allah (JIHAD WATCH)

  5. China warns its currency can't be blamed for flagging US growth. (TELEGRAPH)

  6. Can Islam and the West ever reconcile? (NRO)

  7. 13 troops killed in Afghanistan -- in two days(CNN)

  8. September home foreclosures top 100,000 for first time (REUTERS)

  9. Applications for jobless benefits rise to 462K (YAHOO)

  10. White House: Bottom Line, ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Policy Will End, Only Question Is How(CNS)

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Education: Superwoman Just Resigned

G. Murphy Donovan

Education is in a crisis, according to the movie "Waiting for Superman." Washington D.C. was set for radical reform under an Education Chancellor but she has now resigned.

George Galloway: Britain's Answer to Bill Ayers Banned from Canada

Jim Kouri, CPP

British politician and supporter of Hamas George Galloway finds that even liberal Canadians will not tolerate his dangerous extremism on their soil.

Second Radical Cleric Leading Prayers on Capitol Hill

Andrew McCarthy

The Congressional Muslim Staff Association previously allowed terror ideologue Awlaki to lead prayers at Capitol Hill. Now they have another extreme Islamist preaching there.

Public Enemy No. 1: GOP Donors

Michelle Malkin

Now that unsubstantiated claims of "foreign donations" have been made at the highest levels, an ugly strategy of bullying and disinformation reveals itself.

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Arizona Mainstream Project's First Annual Patriot Banquet

Lloyd Marcus

The tea party movement is alive and well and making its presence felt in Arizona, as Lloyd reports...

The Marxist Roots of Obama's Rage, Part Two

Cliff Kincaid

Has the head of the current administration been manipulated by people who do not fully embrace the American Dream?

Media in Last-Ditch Smear Campaign

Roger Aronoff

The unfounded allegations that "foreign money" was being used to sponsor attack ads were invented by the media and then perpetuated by the administration. Is this a low point in politics?

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