Friday, October 8, 2010

Academics Boycott the Truth

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

Academics Boycott the Truth

by Phyllis Chesler

Israel National News

October 7, 2010

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Academics, intellectuals—even journalists—are, presumably, concerned with objective truth and trained to recognize and avoid bias or extreme distortion. In addition, a physicist is expected to know something about physics and a Women's Studies professor is, presumably, expected to know something about women's rights—and wrongs; in addition, he or she is supposed to "care" about the subject in a way that a physicist may not be able to "care" about sub-atomic particles.

However, this does not seem to be the case where Israel and/or Islamic gender apartheid are concerned. And, I could also be wrong about the physicist.

Read the complete original version of this item...

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