Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12-06-10: Vice President Biden Rewrites History (Plus: C.S. Lewis - Narnia and Aslan)


Video & Article: Actor Liam Neeson angers Narnia fans by suggesting Aslan is Mohammed
Video: Former Amb. to Afghanistan: Woodward's Book More Damaging to U.S.-Afghani Relations Than WikiLeaks
New bill seeks to limit bake sales at schools
Video: Senator McConnell: WikiLeaks Chief Is a ‘High-Tech Terrorist'
Video: Time Mag Editor on Publishing WikiLeaks: ‘Our Job is Not to Protect the U.S.'
Video: UN's Climate Change Conference is meeting in Cancun - Bureaucrats Gone Wild!
In The Spirit of Interfaith Understanding, Ground Zero Mega-Mosque Organizers to Hold Lectures Closed To Media
Video: More Anti-Israel Ranting From Helen Thomas

Comment on Feds Limiting School Bake Sales - Click Here

Comment on Liam Neeson suggesting Aslan is Mohammed - Click Here

Vice President Biden Rewrites History - To Our and Our Allies' Peril

Peter Huessy

At a missile defense conference in the summer of 2000, then-Senator Biden called missile defense unnecessary and a waste of defense dollars. This naif thinking persists...

Economic Policy: Concentrate on What Matters

William R. Hawkins

Our military strength is the legacy of our past good economic performance and will not last if we do not return to better thinking.

Missile Malpractice

Andrew McCarthy

New START needs clarification, but this administration's methodology and legal reasoning is so unreliable, should we trust its decisions on long-term missile security?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

How Many Cars are There on Mars?

Victor Sharpe

At Cancun, concerned as they are at "excessive carbon footprints," nevertheless many of the attendees arrived in their own private aircraft. Not a little hypocrisy surrounds this junket...

From Wake's Defenders to Chesty at Chosin

This Week in American Military History:

Military History, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

Commemorating this week's anniversaries of defining events in American Military History. Tomorrow will be the 69th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack.

How DADT Highlights Admiral Mullen's Political Posturing

Tim Wilson

A former military man explains why he's opposed to repeal of DADT, mainly on account of discretion and morale, but is perplexed by the attitude of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.

I'm a Writer, Not a Financial Planner

Nancy Salvato

The full extent of the nation's financial woes come home to roost when you pay a mortgage, forcing ordinary people to deal with extraordinary challenges...

WikiLeaks and the Mexican Drug War

Allan Wall

The revelations from Wikileaks confirm what many have suspected, that Mexico has a chaotic and inefficient strategy to deal with its drug cartels.

Islamists Target Christians 'Wherever They Can Reach Them'

Raymond Ibrahim

Whenever one Christian is seen to have transgressed against Islam, whole Christian communities are still made to pay the price. This is an ugly reality of the 21st century...

The EPA Versus the USA

Alan Caruba

The Environmental Protection Agency seeks to bypass the Constitution and distort a Supreme Court decision, all in the name of discredited science.

Rendell Blunt to the End

Salena Zito

Few politicians are prepared to be blunt nowadays - the stakes are too high. How many can dare to say exactly what they want to say?

Deficit Cutting Commission Gets it Wrong

Star Parker

Our federal budget exploded because we have government in Washington that can do practically anything it wants...

Covert operations: Red Teams Test Security Vulnerabilities in U.S.

Jim Kouri, CPP

With little willpower to properly protect the Southern border, the administration has created a situation where it is possible to smuggle even radioactive materials into the U.S.

MSNBC Commentators Protect Their Corporate Bosses at GE

Cliff Kincaid

General Electric, owner of MSNBC, received a massive $16 billion bailout from the Federal Reserve, but if you watched MSNBC you would not have heard that piece of news...

Hate Crime Stats: Where's the 'Islamophobia'?

David J. Rusin

Islamist groups are so used to telling the media that Islamophobia is getting worse, but FBI statistics prove the opposite. The moral: never trust what an Islamist says...

Quote of the Day - December 4, 2010

FSM: Quote of the Day

What happens when an eccentric Islamist dictator allows enriched uranium to sit on a runway?

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