Thursday, December 9, 2010

12-09-10: U.S. House Approves DREAM Act - Next Stop U.S. Senate (Plus: Baltimore Terror Plot)

The Unsettling Failure of Airport Security Worldwide

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

While TSA officials view anyone and everyone as a potential terror target, in other nations who send planes to the U.S.A., airport security is worryingly lax...

U.S. Congress - Contact Information for Senate & House
U.S. Senator - Contact Information
U.S. House - Contact Information


Video: U.S. House Approves DREAM Act - Next Stop U.S. Senate
Video: Janet Napolitano: DREAM Act Candidates Are "Excellent Citizens"
Video: Beck Responds to Forbes and Soros: ‘Stop Your Lies'
Video: CNN Lets Two Illegal Immigrants Vouch for the Passage of the DREAM Act

Video: Outgoing Speaker of the House Pelosi Equates DREAM Act to Founding Fathers Winning Independence
WikiLeaks: 'Operation Payback' brings down government website
State Department on Gitmo Recidivism Rate: "We actually expected this to happen"

Video: FBI Sting Stops Homegrown Terror Plot by Recent Convert to Islam
Berkeley Considers Declaring Bradley Manning (WikiLeaks Source) a Hero

Are You Planning to Fly Soon? Think Twice! (Part Two of Three)

John Miller

When PETN, the explosive chosen by shoe-bomber Richard Reid and underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is undetectable by odor, some intrusive searches are inevitable...

Abyei: The Abscess Threatening the Sudan

J.Peter Pham, PhD

A month from today, voters in southern Sudan will decide whether they will secede from the Islamist north, and Abyei is on the front line of a political divide...

The Defense Industry Crisis

William R. Hawkins

Just because the defense budget looks large does not mean the production system it draws on is healthy. Many ships and aircraft are old and need replacing.

The Post-Iran Proliferation Cascade

Peter Brookes

There are few nations who now doubt that the Iranian regime is involved in a nuclear weapons program. How should the international community deal with this developing situation?

Baltimore Terror Plot Mirrors That at Portland

Steve Emerson

Yesterday a Baltimore man, a recent convert to Islam, was arrested after an FBI sting in which he had tried to detonate what he believed was a car bomb.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Gays in Israel's Military

Bruce Kesler

The issue of DADT in the U.S. Army divides political opinion. What makes the situation in the Israeli military so different to that in America?

Post Hits Castro Over "Jewish Hostage" but Protects Obama Administration

Cliff Kincaid

The Washington Post has been objective on Latin American issues, but on the issue of hostage Alan Gross it does not challenge the administration's lackluster response to Cuba.

Skin Graffiti

Tom McLaughlin

Why is it that piercings and tattoos are valued in tribal cultures, but when the same embellishments appear on Westerners they can seem alien or shocking?

***NEW*** Caption Contest - December 9 - 14

Caption Contest

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Quote of the Day - December 9, 2010

FSM: Quote of the Day

On North Korea...

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